I get a
runtime error: Cannot read null.hands_free
error when trying to read src.hands_free
, even though src shouldn't be null and a check has been done first to ensure that it isn't.Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
/mob/human/proc/set_hand(obj/item/I, hand=src.hand)
if(!src||!src.hands_free||src.lying)return //This line causes an error
if(!istype(user)||!(src in view(1))) return ..()
if(istype(over_object, /obj/HudUI/hand))
user.set_hand(src, H.hand)
Expected Results:
The expression is evaluated and the proc returns if needed. Even if src was null for some reason., the !src check should prevent an error.
Actual Results:
BYOND seems to think src is null even though the given value for src in the error message below proves that it isn't.
runtime error: Cannot read null.hands_free proc name: set hand (/mob/human/proc/set_hand) source file: human.dm,239 usr: Nickr5 (/mob/human/native) src: Nickr5 (/mob/human/native) call stack: Nickr5 (/mob/human/native): set hand(the tomahawk (/obj/item/weapon/axe), 0) the tomahawk (/obj/item/weapon/axe): MouseDrop(the hand (/obj/HudUI/hand), the grass (3,1,1) (/turf/grass), null, "mapwindow.map", "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=15;icon-y=17;left=1;scr...")
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time.
In other games? Not as far as I can tell. I wasn't able to duplicate the problem in a separate project.
In other user accounts? Not sure.
On other computers? Not sure.
When does the problem NOT occur?
When one of the workarounds below are used.
Replacing the problematic line with this causes everything work fine:
at the beginning of the set_hand() proc also fixes the probem.
Of course I could be wrong.
Though it makes sense the ASSERT makes it escape properly, ASSERT basically translating to if (!value) return.
edit: crap. !cake would return true if cake was null, effectively ending the check... I was tired. =\