-portals(2, carry them on your head to position, can warp between them, works with things like projectiles)
-timed boxes(once powered start a count-down)
-targets(shoot to power them)
-half-walls(buggy atm, but only allow projectiles through)
-power links/new event circuit system(much more effect than the old one using power boxes :D)
-portal-themed side dungeon(HELL YEAH. tested this one a couple times, it's quite the puzzler and can take a while lol. very refreshing after some hard-core boss slaying, the whole level is enemy clean)

-"cake armor"
-"wormhole science handheld portal device"
-"still alive" karaoke theme :D
-weighted rocks, with matching weight buttons(only the rocks can hold the buttons down)
-levers, deactivate over time, activated with E
-doors close after three seconds if a player isn't in them :D
stealing boxes/whatever off of another player's head
funny glitch of the day: I accidentally created a "cake" icon state in objects.dmi and it was unnamed, so when I booted up the game all of the objects that didn't have icon states appeared as cake(ie. everything on the HUD)
So I started the game and there was floating cake everywhere. And it was a lie.
-respec npc that resets all of your passives for 1k gold
-a new set of around 8 orbs(that many new classes, tier 2), mapped
-added an easier way for me to program in maptext captions
-added a message that is sent to the user if they try to take an item when their inventory is full
-max party length set to 4
-duplicate party finish messages(not a real problem)
-tier 2 enchantments have appropriate names
-enchanting an illegible object with a crystal won't change its suffix any more
-fixed a minor issue with levers
Elemental Idols. These are special items that have their own slot. You may only equip one at a time. By pressing the G key while you have an idol equipped, you enter "Epic mode" and you gain various different -awesome- passive abilities for ten seconds depending on the idol you're equipping. This requires that you have full MP and less than half HP, and has a 2 minute cooldown. It also takes up all your MP and half of your remaining health. There are four idols in the game presently. You gain idols in the four huzza dungeons.

(this is the wind epic form. the underlays for epic forms are the only instances where i use/will use GFX in the game to highlight their uniqueness and awesomeness)
melee attacks have max reach and are all spins,
all damage halved,
speed max is 3,
pulse every second,
mp regenerates 5x faster,
spell damage doubled,
spell projectiles triple fire,
staffs instantly recharge after casting a spell,
+3 speed,
all your attacks become criticals,
swing speed doubled,
all arrows triple fire,
you drain all of the damage you do as mp,
spells take up half mp,
stuns are +5,
projectile damage taken halfed,
the four epic forms were designed to fit a very wide range of player classes
a crapload of new engine stuff due to all the passives i added
third clockwerk dungeon
join game/host game commands on menu bar
headsman armor
headsman axe
darkfate leather
darkfate dagger
darkfate cloak
fate staff
fate wave
fate trap
fate spell
other random tiny things that i added between now and the last update i posted
some lag related stuff
some more lag related stuff
lots of performance enhancements were included in the update i did today. because they are numerous, random and not worth explaining, just assume that the game will run faster now. thank you, and have a nice lunch.