Descriptive Problem Summary:
I don't know exactly how it happens, I think somehow a newly created obj interferes with client.screen objs, and it gets glitched.
Here's a screen shot:
Even when the objs in conflict aren't in the client.screen, the glitch still occurs:
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem: n/a
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Not often, almost rarely.
In other games? n/a
In other user accounts? Yes.
On other computers? Yes.
When does the problem NOT occur? n/a
Workarounds: n/a
Jun 17 2009, 2:28 pm
Jun 18 2009, 5:43 am
I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking at in those screen shots. Please add more detail to your description than just "glitched". Be as specific as possible when making bug reports--it makes all the difference.
Look near the stairs. The little bullet's icon got overlapped by objects in the client.screen. |
You forgot to modify the layer of your screen objects, hence any newly created objs have the same layer and will appear on top of your HUD.
That's not the problem. The problem is the bullet is taking the icons from the HUD objects, and adding them to it's overlays.
Gah! Too hard to explain, take a look at this: |
I see what you mean now. The problem isn't that the bullet was overlapped by the HUD object, it's that the wrong icon was temporarily shown in its place. That makes a big difference.
This is a known issue with cases where objs and mobs are deleted and re-created frequently. The client doesn't have time to get the update on their appearance, hence the wrong icon is shown because it thinks it's looking at an older object that it doesn't know was deleted. This is something we would definitely like to fix or improve on at some point. |