Avatar:Last Hope

by 9kyubi9
just come and look.

in progress!



Co-Owners: vadimsh16

Head Admin: mystery16

Co-Head admin: none

Admins: none


Coders: 9kyubi9

Iconner: vadimsh16,9kyubi9

maper: 9kyubi9

Hub: 9kyubi9

ideas: 9kyubi9,vadimsh16

Music Providor:Vadimsh16

Music Coding:9kyubi9

---->Players Rules<----

* No Spam Killing

* No Bug Abusing

* No More Than 1 Clan

*Report a Bug if U find one

*Ask GM for kage(if u want to be kage,or ur village has no kage)

* Dont Ask For GM

* No Colored Nicks

* No Changing Font or Font size's

* If U Need Help Ask Other Players,and if they answer ask,then Ask GM's

*Dont use the actual names of the Avatar Characters