Fallen Productions

Owner: SoulSlayer25825
Co-Owner [Head Programmer]: SnipeDragon
Master Admin [Head Iconner]: Dragonfire
GFX Artist:XxBluexX/Suny
Programing Team
Admin: [OPEN]
Admin: [OPEN]
Squad 2 Captain: [OPEN]
Squad 3 Captain: [OPEN]
Squad 4 Captain: [OPEN]
Squad 5 Captain: Hikai
Squad 6 Captain: Kyo
Squad 7 Captain: [OPEN]
Squad 8 Captain: [OPEN]
Squad 9 Captain: Byakuya Kuchiki
Squad 10 Captain: Buring
Squad 11 Captain: [OPEN]
Squad 12 Captain: [OPEN]
Squad 13 Captain: Abari, Renji

Inner Hollow
Inner Lieutenant:[OPEN]
2: Do not beg for GM, or Player Positions, An Owner or Co-Owner will announce when they are taking applications for a player position, If you want to become a Programmer or Iconner, talk to an Owner or Co-Owner in game (DO NOT SPAM, we will get with you when we get a chance).
3: This is a roleplaying game, you will not get positions unless you can roleplay, you do not have to remain in character if you are either talking to a staff member, or if you are using World Say.
4: Please follow the Staff Chain of Command should you have a problem (start with a GM, if they can't help take it to a Senior GM, and so on). Also, please follow the Player Chain of Command (If you are in one of the 13 squads, take your problems to your Lieutenant, and if he/she cannot help, take it up to the captain, if you Captain cannot help, take it to the Head Captain).
5: These rules can change at ANY time, and by logging into the game, you agree to follow these rules.
Staff Rules
2: You have your powers to help people, not to abuse and give special treatment to your friends, if you are caught abusing (Staff Logs are checked everyday), your powers will be locked, if the problem continues, you will be removed from staff.
3: If you have a problem bring it up with Buring, Soul, or SnipeDragon.
Want to Join Staff?
Iconing Staff: All Iconers go through an Owner/Co-Owner trial, you will be asked to create an icon, and will be given a certain amount of time to do so, if you pass, you will be interviewed.
Moderator Staff: Moderators are chosen in game, if you ask to become one, chances are, you won't get a spot. When a position is open, we (Owners/Co-Owners) will keep an eye out on players, for the best chance at becoming a Moderator, We suggest that you help players, especially when no staff are online, or if only a few staff members are online, and they are busy. We keep an eye out for that sort of thing, and, if we need a new Moderator, you could be summoned for an interview.
Player Positions: The Owners and Co-Owners will announce when applications are being accepted, and for what positions they are being accepted for. There are requirements however for the positions.
RACE: Espada Added!
RACE [Shinigami]: Head Captain rank Added!
RACE [Shinigami]: Special Royal Operative rank Added!
RACE [Quincy]: Elder rank Added!
RACE [Quincy]: Veteran rank Added!
GM: GM Options have been further organized!
ICONS: New Icons added: Including the Inner Hollow Icon, as well as the Espada Uniforms!
BUGS: Numerous bugs have been fixed!
Bleach: Fallen Productions is Copyrighted© 2007, All Rights Reserved!