Yes me too, Master Zane i indeed will follow you to the depths of hell.
To hell and back again!
Hell's a little far maybe somewhere closer? that may work more for me.
You should definitely tell me where you learned how to icon this well, or specifically, what website you used and all that jazz. I seriously want to make a game, but I also seriously want to be competent enough to do so. So....can you halp? pl0x!?!?1
I need help complete a base movements and adding in detail. Can you help me with it whenever you can?
where is zane :( i got gunbuddy13 to code and we need icons so bad
I'm out of town attending a funeral. Should be back home Monday evening.
im sorry dude :/. Sorry for your loss. Sorry for the hassle D:
Hi Zane, My name is Alec Kelley, I'm a Highschool senior and an aspiring programmer; I have a background in java,, c++, c#, and have a good understanding in DM. Your art is simply amazing and I would like to help on any projects you need a programmer for. You can contact me via msn @ [email protected].
Are you still freelancing?
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