I'm hear to talk about Phoenix Quest, a new and coming RPG made by Flame Sage. It's a very detailed and well thought out game that deserves proper credit. I have a neat little screen shot here for you guys to check out:

Apart from the vibrator on the screen the game is fantastic. Phoenix Quest offers tons of classes and alot of quests to complete. The art is nice and smooth, with the exception of the hair (which will be fixed). Phoenix Quest offers alot of hours of gameplay and alot of fun.

The game still in closed testing, but when it hits the open testing phase, why not give it a look.
And I Test! :D
Hmm... Looks like a nice game.. maybe I should play it some time.. =p
HA HA HA HA who the hell are you?
There are many flaws you failed to mention (i'm no flamer, i'm actually the host).

The boat captain talks too fast.
The title screen text has many spelling errors.
The design of "choose a class" is stupid, it should be set as where you start out as a normal person and work your way into a skillset, unless provided a storyline that makes this work.
Fighting is bugged a bit, the thing you fight jumps back a few spaces northward when you begin to fight it and it can end up anywhere.
The idea that multitiled trees are completely dense is bad. You can walk under trees and in front of the tree trunk in real life.
Lots of mapping errors.
The administrative system is horrible.
A lot of menus have no cancel option.
Sorry, didn't know I was supposed to point out the things that are WRONG with a game I'm trying to promote. >.>
That's advertisement for you. Kind of like advertising a new pill that increases your penis size by 200% but failing to mention it takes 200 years and during that timespan causes cancer, herpes, HIV, AIDS, and blindness.
Haha. I get what you mean. But all that can be changed so easily.
I can't exaclty make them a newbie in the beginning, I would have to redo ALOT about the way the system works.. But I can fix all of the other stuff quite easily.

ALSO: Describe what map errors, and which menus don't have the cancel button? It would help me alot.
I helped Phoenix Quest awhile back, and while it is a highly orginal game {with som e rpg maker turfs and sprites] there are quite few problems.

Last time I logged in, the combat was still too slow for me, the screen resoulction support wouldnt fit my screen resolution and the moster arena, the monsters never hit one another, they just sat there, missing each other, blow after blow.

The combat I like least, becasue of the fact that it slow, tedious and akward for me, I dont care for the menus at all, esecpally since they are in a menu. Maybe if he had buttons that appeared on screen instead, Id like it better.
That was with the old battle system. Get with the times!
ALSO: Describe what map errors, and which menus don't have the cancel button? It would help me alot.

A map error for example is in the first town shop, the bookcase and whatever the other thing on the opposite side is on the wall.
Lots of menus have (edit)no cancel option. I spent 10 minutes telling you about 2/3 of them already but apparantly you forgot. Just go through your coding and do a Find.