1.Type RouterLogin.com or LoginRouter.com (im not quite sure..)
4:Go to Port trigger/Port forward
(He..you stop here. you got some missing before you go on.)
5:Click start and then "Run"
If you using a Laptop, Press start and type "Run" on the search bar below.
6:Type Cmd
7:Type ipconfig (where the _ the thing repeats)
8:You see the ip adress? Keep the window on!
9:okay go back to the windows internet.
10:Click Create Server
11:Use any ports
12:use Start and End Ports (Example:Startport:1000 EndPort:2000)
13: Copy the Ip address on Run window
14: And click ok!
15: Wala! Now you finish. I hope this can help you ;)
(P.s Add me as friends if you agreed/knows this)
Aug 31 2009, 2:37 pm