![]() Jun 12 2013, 4:10 pm
sara did u see what clearing the air got you a bann and unupadated game bro was it really worth it?
dude why are you blaming me for her personal issues and her rage syndrome. She clearly lacks human skills.
Yohh Quay you're the worst person I have ever meet. You ruined the game when you logged on as owner. Aslong As Quay is alive he will consistently ruin games by his huge ego and lack of personal skills.
Don't fucking blame Sara, their were PLENTY of people who wanted the game to be reverted back to it's less buggy state. You ALL know Jana is not the correct person to be owning this game. The current version of this game has less bugs than Janna's version of the game, and Jana permanently bans people for the peatiest of reasons. FFS Sara was banned for spamming, not clearing the air. As current owner, Jana also owns responsibility for rebooting the game whenever necessary, does she do that? No. Instead she rages out, because no one wanted her version of the skin to apply, then purposely doesn't reboot the game as "punishment," because the players didn't want to keep the updated version? That's complete selfishness, and proves to me she is not the one who should be owning the game. If an owner can't complete the task of a simple reboot when necessary, then why does she deserve to even work for this game?
and Quay, get that shit out of here. Everyone has an ego... if you didn't you would be a psychopath.
Guess i'm a psycopath. If what you said is even true or something I still don't see how your comments will get her removed and the game to be back up. Or anything of the sort.
Are fucking kidding snorkle?!?!?!?
There were only two reasons that the game reverted back to the old version. Sara(no offense) and hirule if u two clearly stfu and let janna(who is currently the owner) run the fucking game jesus. DOES IT EVEN MATTER WHO IS SUPPOSE TO RUN THE GAME. and clearly if you hadnt seen it you shouldnt argue with admin+. ALL YOU GET IS A FUCKING PLAN. Ps quay can you tell janna to go back to her version cause clearly her version had more players and less laggy server |
Well imo Janna's updates were dumb. She took out the info tab and attack etc and added the press P,L, and I. That obviously messes up peoples macros that they use that was not needed. The HUD is complete bs. The turfs started looking bad over a while. Also I agree with Jin beacuse she does ban for reasons that are dumb. In the past as some of you remember she code banned me and Marlon for proving Con wrong and she called it trolling? But ehh. Old version was better, all they needed to do was fix bugs.
That's my point. The version was fine the way it was. It only needed bug fixes. And I know Janna does unreasonable things, I've heard stories. But I bitched her out enough, and Skykid. The only thing this server needs is mizurappa fixed. Then their will be no lag. Raiton and doton will be balanced again.
Anyways, NFE is no more obviously, max player(s) it gets is 1-2 1 is always Killer, 2 is me when I get on to see who is on. NFF is where it's at. NFE is dead no point in arguing anymore js.
wow screw Janna she purposely ruined this whole game she changed the whole game its not even NFF based anymore its NNG someone strip this asshole and get rid of her for good idk why u would do this or what would make u besides trying to ruin the game
Joker you say people are racists to you and you don't like it but look what you said to him.