Keywords: game, games, ideas, pokemon, rpg
The majority of the Pokemon based games here are pretty much similar in gameplay and what the players can actually do. Hardly anything changes except scenery. Please note that this is not a "take that" to any particular Pokemon game; this is merely an observation.

What if there was a game that instead of having players be Trainers, it focuses on the other professions in that world? Or at least has Trainers as a selectable profession instead of the de-facto human job.

Examples I am thinking of are scientists (people who take plants and stuff and turn them into restorative items; find uses for other things or develop new items for Trainer/Pokemon use), professors (people who submit information for viewing on Pokedexs or computers), repair men (people who fix broken equipment in PokeCenters or Labs) and so on. For every job (example: "object x is broken" or "data y is incomplete, fill out and submit it") or order filled (example: "bring x number of an item to the PokeMart") would grant the players a certain amount of money.

Another idea is if there was an evil organization in such a game, they would find illegal/immoral uses Pokemon. Slowpoke Tails, Leek-fried Farfetch'd, and Electric Pokemon-powered Generators are a few examples.

If the two ideas were combined, then there would also be "police", but they would be on the lookout for members of that organization and toss into jail anyone who was caught with illegal goods (ie: anything made from Pokemon).