Yesterday I finally fleshed out SmileyPlus, my new smiley parser library. Although it does not yet have a nice HTML help file, it's documented in comments and for now that will have to do. The meat of it is, this is an upgrade from previous smiley libraries while also allowing game/chat authors to supply new smiley designs or segments of their own.
Nice. =D

I made another little game to submit to Cartridge Classic....Pong! =P
Perfect. Easy to use, but accurate and correct.

P.S. To follow Hiead; when is the judging for the Cartridge Classic?
Nice library. Wouldn't expect less from you though ;).
The deadline's been extended another half a month, Polaris, so don't hold your breath. =)
Oh great. =/
Polaris, mind you that unless you've changed your code not to use your unpublished library, your entry is still slotted for instant disqualification.
What library is this? I thought it only used DmiFonts and TextHandling.
Ah, I thought you said you were also using a library of your own that was pending review a while back. I didn't look yet to see if it was still using that, though.
Oh yes, Basic Base System, it got rejected as I suspected it would because it was too unspecific. So I just worked around it. Hopefully that is what we're both talking about, you had me panicing.
Yeah, that's what I meant.