BYOND Version:N/A (Website Bug)
Operating System:Palm Pre 1.0.2
Web Browser:Palm Pre Browser 1.0.2
Status: Deferred

This issue may be low priority or very difficult to fix, and has been put on the back burner for the time being.
Descriptive Problem Summary: Because the drop down menu items on the BYOND website are links, it is not possible to drop them down in a cursor-less environment without clicking them, which then changes the page.

These links could be removed, as they are all redundant and this would enabled the expected behavior on cursor-less devices.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Get a smart phone or other cursor-less interface
2. Go to
3. Attempt to go to the developer forums
4. End up at the developer blog

Expected Results: Clicking on the drop down menu would trigger the hover over command, no links should be present in the hover area.

Actual Results: Clicking on the hover over links goes to the linked-to page.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? On most smart phones and small form factor touch screen devices.
In other games? NA
In other user accounts? NA
On other computers? Not on most full scale computers.

When does the problem NOT occur? When on a desktop or other device with a standard cursor interface.

Workarounds: Manually type in addresses to forums and the like.

I don't believe any of the website team has a device that's able to test this properly. I think you may just have to deal with it for the time being.
Might I recommend testing on the free Palm WebOS SDK and Google Andriod SDK. Both come with emulated versions of OS including web browser.

Although not all of the options out there, that gives at least two touch screen devices to test with.

I completely understand how low the priority is here, but the mobile world is becoming very powerful. Stats wise my phone is powerful enough to run BYOND if it was built for it. And now days smart phones with reasonable browsers are given away as free with contract, so it's getting to the point where more and more of BYOND is capable of viewing the site on their phone, even if they don't.
I know this is old and all, but it's worth mentioning this isn't an issue with the iPhone or itouch. Quickly tapping the menu will open it rather than load the default page.
With some system updates to the Pre(my only touch screen device) you can now tap and drag to drop down menus but not click the links. I'm not sure if this is possible on Android. I don't own one and don't yet have any friends with one.
Given enough time, it looks like this issue will resolve itself =D
Well, I know I had it working once by having a phone that was similar to a firefox add-on that could change pages automatically once you navigate to them, allowed me to type in some code that will either send u to link if it detected the menu is open, otherwise on click makes it open up the menu.

seems like this could be adapted to be originally part of byond's code.
DSi also have the same problem so does the android.