So, Murder Mansion's world.status outputs the following information:
Current Map (if any), Current GameMode (if any), Number of games played this session, Winner of last round (if any) along with their key (because it displays their in-game name) and the map and mode used during that last round...
Now, this is actually mostly for my own benefit... I like to check on the status of live games to get a feel for how things are going... Are people playing the various modes, or just sticking to Classic? Are people trying out all of the maps, or just sticking to one? Are people mixing-and-matching modes to maps, or are they always playing Classic in the Mansion, Clue in the Clue Mansion, etc.? Are they actually finishing rounds (with winners, or just aborting rounds)? Are the bots sometimes winning? Are they playing more than one round per hosting session (indicating not only interest, but also that the game is holding up to long-term playing)?
So whenever I see that the game is live, I drop by the hub page to check out what the world.status tells me about the session...
Anyways, I just saw that it's up, so I checked it out, and found this, which I thought was amusing and awesome:
"Join [Current Map: Mansion. Current GameMode: Classic. Games Played This Session: 3. Winner of last round: Person dressed up like Jason Voorhees (ForsakenSoul) (Camp, Classic).]
Hosted by ForsakenSoul"
Now, this might only be cool to me, but I really like the fact that the winner of this round (ForsakenSoul) happened to be wearing the Jason Voorhees costume when he did so... I hope he was the Murderer...
![]() Jun 8 2009, 6:08 am
"You're dressed like a serial killer holding a rather large knife. You can't be the murderer, that's just too obvious!"
Which is why the person wearing the costume has his/her name changed to "Person dressed up as [blank]" or "Person wearing a [blank] costume" (but only for display purposes... their chosen name is still displayed in the registry and other places where people could check to see who's name had changed)
Of course, the whole thing falls apart if the costumed maniac happens to find himself in the middle of all the other players at once... Then they can just tell who is missing from the group... One intentional problem with being costumed is that people who examine you are shown your shoe size, and they can potentially match you up with it if they kept track of who had what size shoes (which is recorded automatically in the clue book when the examine someone) But I just thought of an unintentional weakness in being costumed... I don't think it changes the player's text output color, so if they speak, the name in their output will still be colored according to the bedroom they've chosen... But meh, that can get fixed whenever... So yeah, being in a costume is usually a dead giveaway (pun intended) that you're the murderer, but since the viewer shouldn't be able to tell who you are under the costume, the knowledge does them no good... [Edit:] Ooh, ouch... I just thought of a few other holes that can be used to figure out the identity of a costumed killer... These actually need to be fixed sooner than later... It shows them as "Person dressed up, blah blah" in the list of players when someone begins a vote to boot or DQ a player (so they can just look at the list, see who's missing, cancel the dialog, then go make the accusation) And even worse, I think it actually displays their costumed name in the list of players to accuse when you use the phone to call in the accusation... That couldn't be more I'll have to fix these ASAP... |
Hello. First off I'd like to say sorry if I posted this in the wrong area but my email has failed to opperate. I noticed that you were guildmaster in the anime guild and I would like to make a complaint against one of your members. Cybork?command=view_post&post=72815#comment_1
Over reviewing his review I have found that he had edited the screenshots and posted threats to the administration of the game in the review about expulsion from the anime guild. I have screen shots that prove he had edited his screenshots and would like to know what to do if anything can be done about this persons remarks. -TienShenhan. |
There's nothing that can be done about it from the guild's standpoint... He posted that review on his own Members page...
Aside from trying to make you and your game look bad, he's really not causing any major harm... And trust me, his little review won't cause too much trouble, anyways... Not many people will take it seriously... And don't pay any attention to his "threat"... He has no power to take your game out of BYOND Anime... Basically, this one has to be written off as pointless trolling... |
SuperSaiyan, the bots are working normally as murder? I haven't been checking Byond for years, MM have improved a lot since then ( congrats on it! )
I have big issues when trying to host, so I am likely trying to play with the bots |