
After being inspired by Iter Vehemns Ad Necem (an incredible Nethack-style game), I decided to add material types to Maeva. To do so, I composed a neat little library for changing individual sections of an icon. I've created a few "base" items already to demonstrate how it works. I can change colors, textures, or add "effects" to specific sections of my icons. For instance, I might make a shield out of wood or steel. A sword might be a plain iron sword, but when imbued with magical power, it's blade glows with an aura, or radiates fire, etc.

This is going to make crafting items a lot more interesting, as players will be given a lot more flexibility in how they create items and what they create them out of. This gives way to a new variety of material-affecting spells. Petrify may as well be "Transmute Material", and the material something becomes might depend on a spell component instead. "Harden" or "Soften" material could be used in a variety of ways as well.

My apologies for focusing on features rather than "progress", but Maeva IS my hobby, not a money-making venture, and I enjoy doing stuff like this :) I'm still trying to occasionally host a session here and there, but I've spent the last two weeks in Pennsylvania with my fiance, and Maeva hasn't been much of a priority.
Get it finished. I have zero good rpg's to play, and mavea sounds like it will rock.
Looks good, keep working bud!
Dude, after checking out that Character Creation thing, I must say its very nice. Keep up the good work man, hope it gets done before I leave for bootcamp though.
Where in Pennsylvania does she live?
I'm going back to hel- I mean, univesity soon! And they only have one port open there (8080 <,<) I hope I get to play before I go!
teh p00n
Glad to see you back, but spending time with Jesse is a reasonable excuse, heh.

Hot system! :)