The title is a bit misleading, i have not been active on byond, i've been lurking though, i have read a lot of interesting blogs and reply's. i am addicted to the blog posts of " along the tech tree" and it was one of the few reasons why i kept comming back to this place.
However, school has made me quite the hard worker. I used to think my first two years at school were loaded with homework and such but this last year nearly tried to kill me with essays and tests and what not. I survived though! I'm 99.99% sure that i will graduate and that i will enjoy a seven week long pause. afterwhich it will only get busier... because i will go to a High Proffesional School to get another four years of torture! YAY.
Now why post a blog about something like this? well thats the thing. i got a bit distracted after filling in the title. The busy bee will be me for the next few years. I have decided to dedicate my time into making my own game. I'm learning how to program and thank god i'm not bad at making pixel-art! i hope to release my game version one early spring 2010 but don't get your hopes up cause it might take longer unless i decide to call in some help..
Well i shouldn't lie, i do have help. My brother and i made this awesome idea and we have it all layed out. And we know exactly how the game will work, everything has been planned out already and believe me it took quite some time to create a world on paper where there are so many races, so many possibility's and so much customisation abillity's.
I'm looking forward to dive into the Dream maker and just try to see the entire picture we have envisioned come to live.
![]() Jun 4 2009, 3:13 am (Edited on Jun 7 2009, 7:41 am)