That's right. Who doesn't enjoy a political blog entry? I know we'll all get along.

However, this post is not going to be all that controversial. And of course, everything in this blog entry is going to be entirely my opinion.

Let's start with stating what I believe is fundamentally wrong with our government.
1) Corruption

Well hey, that didn't take long. It doesn't matter if you're a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Communist, Dictator, or a chocolate bunny, you can agree on this point.

So, how can this problem be corrected?
Transparency. This is the one thing I was really excited about concerning President Obama. While he has done a bit to encourage more transparency, I don't feel that we're there yet. If we know where all of our money is going and for what purpose, then it's much harder for someone to misappropriate funds. As far as how to implement this transparency, that's a much tougher question to answer. One thing is for sure though, transparency needs to be mandated and not optional. Now, clearly as far as classified information and military secrets go, the transparency will be lessened, but there should still be some.

Now, I know what some of you are thinking, "You can already get all that stuff". Well, some of it, yes. But only after a bunch of hassle. Many public documents are not easily obtained. In my opinion, they should all be easily accessed via the internet. As far what is transparent right now and what should be made transparent, I won't even begin to tackle those details. I know that I don't know enough details to attempt that. Clearly I have an idea about the current state of transparency in the government and I would love to back up my opinion with some facts, but I know I would overlook something and state some things wrong and I'd rather save myself the hassle of debating the details rather than the idea as a whole.

And even if President Obama obtains a great level of transparency, there is nothing to keep it in place when the next president takes over at this point in time. Transparency should not be optional.
Good post!

Transparency is a good thing... it's giving the fourth wheel of government the tools necessary to perform its duty.

Then again, no matter how much published information is out there, 9/11 and FEMA camp conspiracy theorists will continue banging their drums. So, I suppose the lines would have be drawn between real corruption and perceived corruption.
how about this if the leader is corrupt we chop his head off? and if they do shit we dont like we chop their head off? simple as that lead us the way we want leaded or die if we say nuke those bastards you dont say well but no buts you do as we say we elected you now get to it bitch
Tac: Democracy does not mean 'do what the majority wish'. It means 'do roughly what the majority wish, respecting basic human rights, etc. etc.'. Otherwise you get tyranny-of-the-majority style situations (Simplified picture of tyranny of the majority - 49% of the population are Jews and 51% of the population are Nazis. What happens? Is it right?)

You don't elect a leader to agree exactly with everything he or she does. You elect a leader because you agree with their basic philosophical viewpoint and hope their synthesis of other's opinions and the situation will lead to a solution close to your opinion.