(See the best response by Carnage Productions.)
How do i add a suit.

Like for example, in my inventory there could be a sword, how would i code a suit to be able to wear and pick-up and drop.
Object verbs are pretty basic stuffs. You'll want to use src setting

set src in location
this is not what i meant,

what i mean is how would i set icon as a suit, and then how would i make the suit appear in the game (pick-up,drop,wear) and then how would i make the suit wear on my character, it would show my character wearing the suit in the game.
These are fairly basic programming logic tasks which you'll need to work out yourself if you want to understand more advanced stuff in the future; if we just tell you the answer, you learn nothing.
Best response
This is all clearly explained in the dm guide,reference and in many resources id suggest looking through them.