The fact that Seige just replied to this post makes my life complete.

Mart2j... now there is a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time...
He kinda went nuts and left DWQ, leaving behind a rather bad video towards some of the DWQ members there.

Speaking of which, a few people on DWQ got a kick out of the song as well.
Good composing, but the whole thing is on the edge of "so stupid it's funny" and "so brilliant it's stupid".

Good to see people are channeling their energy from flamewars to more productive things, though.

Also, Silk... Do I sense a Star Wars reference in that comment of yours?

("Obi-Wan... Now there's a name I've not heard in a long time... a long time.")
Come on, I must at least subtracted something from your life? You sure did from mine, oh those wasted days and nights! Wait I'm wasting my time right wasted...does that count for anything?
hey I accidently double posted. Well at least that proves I was telling the truth about that last part ;p
If you make a flash movie for this, I will mail you a cookie.
Frankly I don't know much about this flamewar going on here, but I do know it needs to not be aired on the forums--particularly with people posting the lyrics there. I say this to no one in particular, really just to those who keep bringing it up there. (And just for the record, the most recent lyrics post there was removed by me.)

I did check out that link to Nadrew's post in May, and from what I can tell it doesn't look like Nadrew himself was trying to sue, but rather was just posting a legal opinion. Granted, it was not a well-informed opinion, and he probably shouldn't have posted that. But it sounds like now "Nadrew tried to sue SilkWizard" is becoming something of an urban legend.
Heh, but why let facts get in the way of a good story ;-)
It was only a legal opinion?

Funny because to me it looks like somebody trying to get people banded together to sue that really so different than just threatening to sue him himself?

Therefore I believe that Silks line in the song about Nadrew trying to sue him is perfectly credible.

Addictive song! :)
In that post it doesn't appear that Nadrew was actually trying to get people banded together. What would be the point, really? Indeed, in small claims court that would make no difference. He was confused, certainly, and apparently was thinking along the lines of class action. I got the impression he was thinking out loud, saying that the situation at hand could be a real problem if enough people were to go to court--but he certainly gave no appearance of advocating that.
My interpretation of the whole thing was that Nadrew A.) was uninformed B.) was trying to look smart/big and C.) never posed any real threat and never had any intention of actually suing me.

The line in the song isn't 100% accurate... but it was never intended to be. If wanted to accuse Nadrew of something as serious as that, then I wouldn't do it while strumming a guitair and rocking out to violin solos.

If wanted to accuse Nadrew of something as serious as that, then I wouldn't do it while strumming a guitair and rocking out to violin solos.

But if everyone did, I'd bet the world would be a better place.

I enjoyed the song though (not just because of the lyric), very nice composing. It's jammed into one of my music folders now as well.




that's hilarious, you said nadrew was trusted! hahahahaha!

and when i get a chance i'll listen to the song
People are still commenting on this old post? Wow.
The song is incredible. Since I sang it.
THAT WAS SO F****G FUNNY LOL GREAT COMPOSITION btw who was playing the violin there?
Yeahh... That really contributed nothing at all to the post and especially after all this time it doesn't make any sense to make a stupid post like this, so why did you post at all? It was quite stupid of you.
Wow, I'm reviving an old one..But I want to learn that song. XD! Got tabs?
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