![]() Dec 30 2005, 1:24 pm
"Doo doo dooo dood doo doo
admins suck. LOL doo doo doo doo doo doo doo they suck hardcore LOL doo doo doo doo doo doo doo I really hate admins doo doo doo doo doo doo they really suck doo doo doo doo doo doo LOL they are evil doo doo doo doo doo doo " If you use my song, I will need some sort of contract to make sure I get some of the profit you make from it. |
Hrm.... Do you guys really spend that much time thinking about Nadrew? That seems kind of erm... strange.
Funny song, though! |
"Hrm.... Do you guys really spend that much time thinking about Nadrew? That seems kind of erm... strange."
haha... you've got me there. In preparation for the webcast that we're making we made a list of the stuff that ticks us off about BYOND because we knew that we wanted to make a funny music video. We figured that this was something that many BYONDers could relate to. "I tried my best to get them, but theres the lyrics. =P" lol, nice Hikato. |
Our secondary goal is to raise awareness about potentially corrupt administration techniques. Then the video should be you guys performing the song for a classroom full of baffled kindergarteners, and handing out bumper stickers they can give to their parents. Very catchy tune, by the way. Though I have to say that Nadrew's always been decent to me -- or at least not cruel enough that I remember any slights! |
Nice song, I've only seen nadrew once and I forgot what he was acting like..... Anyway ignore xooxer. He called me a hypocrite for a dumb reason as well.
"Then the video should be you guys performing the song for a classroom full of baffled kindergarteners, and handing out bumper stickers they can give to their parents."
Hahahaha... Yeah, we could even parody the D.A.R.E. font and color scheme for the bumper stickers. Of course, the last time that I worked with really young kids for a video that I was producing, I swore that I would never do it again. |
Am I the only person on this planet that knows what hypocrite means? Geez. It's like the Twilight Zone around here lately.
Xooxer knows exactly what he's talking about, and Silk obviously missed the entire point of it, considering he typed this:
Our number one goal with this song is to make people laugh. Our secondary goal is to raise awareness about potentially corrupt administration techniques. If that makes me a hypocrite, then we ought to call up Webster's and have them change the definition of that word. He means he thinks you're an abusive administrator yourself. You don't see people revoking subscriptions like that very often, without refund. |
Thank you! I know I'm not completely insane here. And Silk, didn't you chide me for bringing up my distate with your moderation policies in a public place rather than via email or a more private venue? Yeah.
I understand what Xooxer is trying to say. The problem is that he's wrong.
As far as that whole Proelium debate goes... it was a total success. The players who sincerely apologized were unbanned and haven't caused any trouble since. Other players have realized that we mean business when it comes to enforcing the rules, and so they are rarely broken anymore. Subscription revenue has more than doubled since we started to take action. The Proelium community is way better than it has ever been... probably the best behaved on BYOND. That's a far cry from a year ago, when it was one of the worst. |
"Thank you! I know I'm not completely insane here. And Silk, didn't you chide me for bringing up my distate with your moderation policies in a public place rather than via email or a more private venue? Yeah."
lol... I also recall that in my last email to you, I said quote "I don't like you... but if you stay out of my hair, I'll stay out of yours". At the time you agreed... but oh well! |
I did NOT expect jared to sound like that. I mean, yeah, he can sing well, but that voice just not go with his Scarface-esque photo :P Kudos. |
"Thank you! I know I'm not completely insane here. And Silk, didn't you chide me for bringing up my distate with your moderation policies in a public place rather than via email or a more private venue? Yeah."
Hmm that sounds very familiar ;p But seriously that's an awesome song, even though I don't understand half the things you were talking about. Hopefully you will go through all that in your webcast. Which seems like a great idea to really get people more active in byond or make some of us actually care again. Obviously your first show will be on updating games regularly :) |
"Am I the only person on this planet that knows what hypocrite means? Geez. It's like the Twilight Zone around here lately."
No, it's like you call people hypocrites and then don't give the reason why. It's not just obvious. We can't read your mind and how you take the definition against someone. And by the way, you used it wrong too. He isn't a bad administator himself, from what I saw. I don't even know how you meant the word against me, but I'm sure it was whatever made sense to you. |