WARNING: This is perhaps the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever done on BYOND. Ever.
In the coming weeks, Balzack (Jaredoggy) and I will be the hosts of a webcast covering BYOND news, game reviews etc. Part of that show will be a music video, and we’ve decided to give everyone an early preview of the song that we’ve composed for that video.
We’ve known for a long time that Nadrew (one of BYOND’s trusted administrators) has a tendency to flaunt his power. However, it’s recently come to our attention that many BYONDers are actually worried about Nadrew banning them or otherwise if they get on his bad side. This song is dedicated to everyone who has come to fear Nadrew… because we believe that the BYOND administration is on the whole a reasonable entity, and that personal vendettas shouldn’t be a part of the way things work here.
For the most part, this song is just a big joke. That said, we want our message to be clear: individual game administration is up to the creators, but the behavior of a BYOND administrator that reflects on the whole of BYOND is another issue entirely.
Of course, this song wouldn’t exist if we didn’t have some problems with Nadrew on a personal level. I myself take issue with stuff like this:
http://developer.byond.com/forum/ index.cgi?action=message_read&id=353304&forum=7&view=0
We’re not claiming that Nadrew is all bad. He has done a lot of great things for BYOND… but when someone steps out of line, they need to be confronted.
And so now, without further ado, I give you the product of Christmas Break, two bored college students, and one power-flaunting BYOND administrator:
"The Nadrew Song"
![]() Dec 30 2005, 12:09 pm
![]() Dec 30 2005, 12:23 pm
Personally, I like my Led Zeppelin ending for the song.
You guys.. are my hero. I suffered the bullshit (Pardon my French.) of a ban from Nadrew because I "spammed an admin on the pager." My ass, he got all pissy that I insulted him on the pager and MSN so he banned me. The song.. Yeah, it's true. Great work, and like I said, you guys are now my heros. =p
-Hikato |
Haha... thanks dude.
But apparently we've already been censored after five minutes... this post no long shows up on the main page. Woo hoooo! |
Oh god, I like Nadrew he's a great guy, but is some great song there. I have totally added that to my MP3 player.
Uh, right... I would just like to say, this song is a rather low and pathetic attempt at saving face for obvious and blatant hypocracy on your part. I used to think you were a decent guy, Silk, but you prove me wrong again and again. You don't like Nadrew, bring it up with Tom or Deadron. From what I've seen of him over the years, he's not a bad admin. He's only banned a few people, and even then, he's had the support of the other admins in doing so. You, on the other hand... let's just say I'm sorry you guys weren't sued right out of that crappy community college. By the way, where's my song?
~X |
Xooxer? You're still around?
FYI I don't go to community college, I go to a private university... not that it would matter, because I see no problem with community college. Of course, I've never know you to get the facts straight about anything before you post it. http://silkgames.com/forum/ viewtopic.php?t=1606&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 Anyway, there won't be a song about you because you're a lost cause... at least Nadrew is a decent guy. It's just sad to see him do some of the things that he does. |
You have got to give Balzack his props on those sick vocals. I have never had a run in with Nadrew. Major props on the song though.
Awesome song, So much more you could have made fun of him for, the fact he knows michelle branch, or that hes a master in 7 forms of martial arts, or that he graduated at the tender age of 14, but still awesome.
Yeah, you can't keep a good Xoox down. What? No song? I'm crushed. I thought you cared. :.(
Whoever sang that has a great voice, too bad the lyrics are just about as clever as a board. GET IT, HAHAHA! BOARD?!?!?!
Nice song and good vocals Jared, soon you'll have byond fangirls throwing their virtual panties at you.
Oh, and about the revocation of people's subscriptions for banning you from their computer, that's still as idiotic as it was back then. The fact that you can't seem to let go of the mess tells me you've not changed a bit. This song is actually even more pathetic and hypocritical in that light, get over yourselves. You've made bank of off BYOND, perhaps more than anyone else in the community. How much have you contributed back? Yeah. At least Nadrew gives BYOND his time and effort with no reward except people calling foul on him for having an opinion, doing his job and protecting the little guy from people like you.
"How much have you contributed back? Yeah.
Let's see... financially I'd say the 10% that Dantom assessed on Proelium subscription fees and the $45 for the purchase of three BYOND memberships. We could go into how I've been helping people with DM code issues and/or game design issues for the past four years and that sort of thing, but it doesn't really matter. Our number one goal with this song is to make people laugh. Our secondary goal is to raise awareness about potentially corrupt administration techniques. If that makes me a hypocrite, then we ought to call up Webster's and have them change the definition of that word. |