Not a bug
This is not a bug in BYOND but a problem with Internet Explorer (either outdated or flash player isn't properly installed for it).
BYOND Version:440
Operating System:Windows XP Home
Web Browser:Firefox
Status: Not a bug

This is not a bug. It may be an incorrect use of syntax or a limitation in the software. For further discussion on the matter, please consult the BYOND forums.
Descriptive Problem Summary:

I'm not 100% Sure how to explain it but I'll Try. Whenever someone or myself posts a video with HTML Announce in our game. I always see it like this ((Please see picture below)). Everyone else seems to be able to see the streaming videos but me when they are posted in game. It just shows this for me. I can't really figure out why it is doing this or how to fix it. I'm hoping someone here will be able to tell me. By the way the ''video'' that wont show up in that is from Youtube... But everyone else saw it. Thank you for your time in reading this.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:

-Reinstalled Byond

-Checked all the settings in options that might fit it... like download sounds/Music and such

-Redownloaded the game

-Deleted in safemode and reinstalled.

Expected Results:

That it would start showing the videos embed

Actual Results:

Nothing worked...

Does the problem occur:

Every time? Or how often? Yes it does

In other games? Haven't had a chance to test, no one has linked a embed video.

In other user accounts? Tried a few of mine, same effect on all. Everyone else could see them though.

On other computers? I can't check on another computer.

When does the problem NOT occur? When I first joined I could see them. But not anymore

Workarounds: Don't know what this means =/

Do you have the software installed to actually play the video? Java/Flash/Shock Wave/Quick Time, whatever it is.
Although your browser is listed as Firefox 2 (you should upgrade to 3 actually--it's more secure), the browser used by BYOND internally is Internet Explorer. I'm not sure which version of IE you're using.

There are several reasons you might not see the video, but it's unlikely any of them are BYOND-related. The Flash player software may not be installed or may be installed incorrectly. You may have disabled ActiveX for certain domains or sites, which you can see in your security settings for IE. You may have disabled JavaScript or other scripting needed. Without seeing the actual HTML content of the page you're displaying I can't say more for sure, but since other users are not experiencing any problems I think you need to look at IE's settings for your answer.
Lummox JR wrote:
There are several reasons you might not see the video, but it's unlikely any of them are BYOND-related. The Flash player software may not be installed or may be installed incorrectly. You may have disabled ActiveX for certain domains or sites, which you can see in your security settings for IE. You may have disabled JavaScript or other scripting needed. Without seeing the actual HTML content of the page you're displaying I can't say more for sure, but since other users are not experiencing any problems I think you need to look at IE's settings for your answer.

Actually, this just reminded me of something!

Disabling Javascript in IE didn't disable it in BYOND for me. I disabled it in Internet Explorer then in BYOND attempted to use Javascript, which executed just fine.