Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

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Context menus would be a really nifty feature. Right now, we already have the option to tell if an object was right-clicked with Click(), having some way to display a menu at the mouse's location would provide us with some at least decent context menu functionality that we could work with.

Of course, I don't think this would really work out as well unless we could also get this feature so that we can stop verb popup menus from conflicting with our own menus. In the event that a conflict does happen, though, I imagine that the behavior that would be more-desirable would be the explicit creation of the menu by the developer rather than the verb popup.
I would absolutely love to see this added as soon as possible. It suits my style of design for any project I personally create, and it's something that has been bugging me for a while because I remember seeing a game once that managed to customize theirs somehow.

Not quite sure how, but pretty sure it happened, and it looked a hundred times better graphically.
Well, right now you can create a sort of pseudo-context menu using the verb menus, but a more customizable version using actual menus in the interface would be a lot better.
The interface would be okay, but if Flash truly does not end up supporting much of the interface then that could become a bit of a problem. I think there are HUD-style workarounds for this, but a native implementation would be extremely useful.

I'm not quite sure I can really see Flash being left without much, if any of the interface options and features; but maybe there are limits that can't be broken on that.
A context menu meaning verbs with verbs inside them?
In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:
A context menu meaning verbs with verbs inside them?

It's more-so just the idea of a menu that pops up on right-click that is sensitive to the mouse's location, similar to the verb popup menus but with the greater flexibility of an interface menu. Although, I hadn't actually realized that we apparently don't have any way to create sub-menus so the primary benefit would be that we can create separators within the menus and make the items checkable.