Yes, it's true. For the very first time in my 8-year BYOND career I have created a fangame. (ignoring the Dragon Warrior project I worked on the first month)
And yes, it's definitely based on Pokemon - one of the single most solid strategy RPGs on the planet, as well as a stunningly well-played work of collaborative marketing genius by Nintendo. Unfortunately for you, I'm not telling exactly what the new project is quite yet! I will say this:
It is NOT an MMO.
Want more info? You'll just have to wait. Want to be in on the super-secret private alpha testing? First, we'll see if you can pass the test. Answer at least 70% of these questions correctly and you will be entered into the alpha tester list. E-mail your answers to polatrite ~!AT*- Good luck.
1) What is the dungeon where Pokemon #150 can be caught?
2) What famous glitch was present in the original Red and Blue games that allowed duplication of items?
3) Roughly how many pounds does the Pokemon "Treecko" weigh?
4) What common item could a Pokemon hold, which would activate during the battle and be used up?
6) Name two types in the game that are super effective against 4 other types.
7) What status condition causes the Pokemon's speed to lower, and the Pokemon to sometimes be unable to use a move?
8) If a Empoleon and a Golem fought, who is more likely to win?
9) What is the best defensive type in the game?
10) When a Pokemon uses a move like Growl, it reduces the opponent's Attack by 1 stage. How many stages can a stat change?
11) What question on this list is missing?
![]() May 20 2009, 12:25 pm
Poll: Want more details on this game?
Login to vote.
Nice Pokemon questions. So why wouldn't you make the Pokemon game online then?
I never said it wasn't online. It's just not an "MMORPG" like most other Pokemon games out there.
As far as the questions go, answer them based on their respective games... question 1 is related to Red/Blue/FireRed/LeafGreen, question 8 is Diamond/Pearl/Platinum because Empoleon is only in these games. If it applies to multiple games, always use the latest generation. I can't provide any additional hints - good luck. |
8) If a Empoleon and a Golem fought, who is more likely to win? diglet 11) What question on this list is missing? 12) What pokemon is the sexiest one of them all? (diglet) Do I have to answer the rest, or am I technically already on the list? ;o |
Zaole wrote:
diglet It's Diglett, with two t's, not Diglet. Argh, I hate it when people spell it with one t :[ |
GhostAnime wrote:
Zaole wrote: uh excuse me, i'm talking about diglet, not diglett. i hate when people make assumptions |
Lol, missingno question and question related to pokemon weight. Why do you have a question of Pokemon weight? I don't really get it.
The Naked Ninja wrote:
You lost me at "It is NOT an MMO." ... :'( Lots of incredible BYOND games aren't MMOs. Tanks, Efencea, Last Robot Standing, Castle, Feval, Plunder Gnome, Proelium. They're all instanced or round-based. I've played Pola's new game, it's in super-alpha and it's already better than most of BYOND's games that have been around for years. He's innovated with the Pokemon franchise in a way that is not only incredibly revolutionary, but incredibly fun to play aswell. |
DemonSpree wrote:
BYOND games can't be MMOs, anyway. That is false, actually. Typical MMO server shards support between 800 and 2800 players, depending on the protocol. BYOND tests have confirmed that BYOND can effectively support near the low-end 800 mark - provided the host machine can handle the load. BYOND definitely requires much more resources than a piece of server software programmed directly in C or C++ - but that's to be expected of ANY high-level language, including Java and C#. |
DemonSpree wrote:
BYOND games can't be MMOs, anyway. And why is that? The definition for a MMO is a "Massively Multiplayer Online" game, meaning that it's a game that supports more than a handful of people. So I'm assuming this means the game here is single-player or of the party category. |
1) Mewtwo
2) Viridian City thing then cinnabar island then missingno 3) LOLGOOGLE 11lbs 4) Berry 5) MISSING 6) Fighting + Fire over 9000) Thunder Wave 8) Golem 9) Best? As in least super effective attacks against it? Normal + Electric. Or mose resistances = Steel. 10) 6 11) 5. |
I hope you're aware that the game has already gone public, so you don't need to answer the questions to play.
Then again, chances are you just answered to show off the fact that you're a /b/tard. >_> |
when will you be able to go hier politrate and when are you going to go get the update
Zaole wrote:
I hope you're aware that the game has already gone public, so you don't need to answer the questions to play. i noticed that like a few minutes after i posted. i didn't realise the dick that bumped a month old topic. But I shall play it to see what's it like. I still have no idea on what the twist is though. |
I've worked on a Gold / Silver port back in the day, and I paid extreme attention to detail (everything had to be perfect!)
I would love to test.
But you never mentioned exactly what game were talking about here, so it's kind of hard to answer the questions.