Despite saying several times that I probably wouldn't bother with consoles anymore I got a DS just to be able to play Mario Kart online. Unfortunantly the matchmaking serive is slow as sludge to get games set up and there are plenty of losers who simply disconnect if they are going to lose. Not to mention a good share of scrubs who thorw tantrums over snaking or likely anything else which requires skill that they don't have to execute. Thankfully there is no communication in game so they are forced to whine elsewhere.
Anyway to the point of my message. I want to try out the friends code method of getting players as hopefully it works faster :P. However I don't want any scrubs as I won't be holding back(though as of yet I'm still practicing the advanced techniques) and I don't want you to either.
My friend code is 000061-781600
Dec 26 2005, 2:28 pm
Yeah snaking is where you use your drift boost back and forth on straight sections. I'm still working on it. I can pull it off decently on some parts.
Im grabbing MK:DS tomorrow. Perhaps I'll post my stuff here as well when its setup.
I hate it when people complain about snaking. Asking for friends who don't snake is like asking to play with noobs all the time.
there are plenty of losers who simply disconnect if they are going to lose. Goddamnit right, man. This dude disconnected because I was gonna beat him. Playing people in your own country makes for much less lag. Unfortunately in America you've got a gigantic country so you can't exactly get such good results for specifying "Continental"... we're much closer in Europe so I can pwn Italian guys with a lovely ping. =) |
What your telling me there are people who wont play with you if you snake?
What about the power boost before the race starts? Do they cry about that too? jesus. |
I've added you theodis, add me back.
Nesso 004354-439478 That's a wierd theory you have there Elation. o_o |
Playing people in your own country makes for much less lag. Unfortunately in America you've got a gigantic country so you can't exactly get such good results for specifying "Continental"... we're much closer in Europe so I can pwn Italian guys with a lovely ping. =) The few games I've played so far have been great as far as network performance goes. Didn't have any noticable lag. The matchmaking thing is just slow to get games set up. Either that or there just aren't many people trying to set up games. |
See, the thing about snaking is that it is more effective than any other strategy, and makes the game *NOT FUN* for everybody involved.
So, yeah, if you're going to pick Luigi in the Egg 1 and repeatedly vote for Figure-8 Circut, I'm quitting the fucking game. Perhaps if snaking was actually possible in *ALL* carts, it might be a valid strategy. Please tell me what Bowser's counter to snaking is. |
Bowser has a high wieght, so wouldn't bumping into the snaker make them run into a wall?
Since when is snaking able to be done in all carts? |
Snaking can only be effectively done in carts with a high accelleration, high handling, and low drift.
And any strategy involving actually hitting the snaker is ruled out, because they're already going so much faster than you. Another large problem with snaking is that one of the attributes - Drifting - has been rendered inversely useful: the higher it is, the worse it is for snaking. Snakers are thus getting a large advantage because of that. |
Yeah you can snake in any cart it's just easier with light weight ones with low drafting. However most carts which are good at snaking tend to have a lower max speed. Regardless unless you are really good it doesn't work too well on most courses and I don't just pick tracks which are good for snaking. I generally just go with random though for some reason out of a dozen games my track was never randomly picked not that it really mattered anyway. I want to get good at all the courses not just a select few in which snaking is good :P.
Aside from speed and acceleration most stats have positive and negative attributes at either end.
I'd like to see you try Snaking with Bowser, Theodis. No matter how good you are, you can't. Not even on Figure-8.
And no, no other stat has a negative aspect at the high-end, aside from Drift, and very possibly weight. And in weight's case, it would be off-road ability, though I think that it may be an aspect of the driver, rather than driver and cart. |
I suggest practicing then :P. I just picked a cart with low drift for bowser and had zero problems snaking on Figure 8.
Actually the item stat when it is high causes negative effects to last longer on you and gives you no better items while in first. So it is a terrible stat to have if you are good. High weight means you knock people of easier however get slowed down more off road. Drift helps turning when high and helps snaking when low.
Now I just tried with the worst combo I could find for snaking. DK with the rhino kart. It was by no means easy but I could still pull it off occasionally and I am by no means an expert. After some time playing around I could pull it somewhat decently. Would take a lot of practice but you could probably get good enough to keep within firing range of a character which has it easier on a course good for snaking. Not to mention that the characters which snake poorly tend to have higher speeds and thus do better on courses where snaking isn't easy.
It isn't likely that every character and kart will be perfectly balanced and there will likely be karts better at certain courses than others but thats just the way things go. However as shown with other games like Super Smash Brother Melee. You generally have characters which do better than other in tournaments for long periods of time though every now and then someone who plays subpar characters expertly find new tricks which end up moving that character higher on the scale of which characters are good and which tend to not be. Mario Kart DS hasn't been out long and I'm quite sure which characters/karts are tournament worthy will shift around quite a bit. This is a good article on playing to win. You aren't doing yourself any justice by calling things cheap and will never get any better than someone who doesn't hold back. Unless of course you aren't playing to win :P. |
Funny thing, I play games for one reason, and one reason only: to have fun. Anybody that does otherwise is insane. Sure, winning is fun. Winning because of some cheap tactic, when there's no challenge, is NOT fun. Losing to some cheap tactic is even LESS fun.
Sure, if you're in a tournament, fine, snake all you want. If you're playing to have fun, and hopefully with OTHER people who are having fun, snaking is a stupid thing to do. And why would you be so obsessed with getting better if the most fun you're having with the game is going to be with people of an equal skill level? Getting better is, thus, an obviously stupid thing to do at a certain point. |
Nesso said:
That's a wierd theory you have there Elation. o_o Theory? =/ Being closer to the person I'm playing against makes the lag less, and that's a fact! America is a big country and I expect that not being able to specify exactly how far you want to search for people could make for pretty laggy games. I've played with Americans before and I found myself being beaten even when I passed over the finish line because they were so far away, they'd already finished a lap before me and the lag and disillusioned me. In fact, I've not ever won a match in Mario Kart DS. Every time I'm about to win, the lag catches up and they suddenly appear from behind me, to past the finishing line. =/ Garthor wrote: Funny thing, I play games for one reason, and one reason only: to have fun. Anybody that does otherwise is insane. Playing games not for fun doesn't make you insane, necessarily. I would say that most people would play games for *entertainment*, not fun. F-Zero GX on master mode wasn't fun for me. It blew my mind and made me cry, but it entertained me a lot, and so I played it. Resident Evil 4 wasn't fun for me at all. It frightened the daylights out of me and I spent large parts of my day (after playing Resi 4) shaking, with my hand over my mouth and unable to move; simply staring at my blank T.V. without any thought crossing my mind. Was that fun? Hell no. But it was really entertaining. =) It's the same reason you'd watch a scary film...I wouldn't exactly call The Shining fun, but I'd call it entertaining. I'd go on to say the same things about sports. Even art. Human desire to do these things aren't always motivated by fun, but more the need for entertainment, challenge and competition. Games are just another activity that we can play- they don't have to be about fun at all. |
By Snakeing do you mean that thing where as you drift from left to right until you build up speed? Because thats hard to pull off on some of the harder tracks and is really a nice skill.
Players online will always be cry babies.