I've noticed it's becoming more and more of a problem, the old, and what I thought to be, easy to avoid MSN scams. So I'll post here as well as several blogs about this problem.
If someone messages you with some link without prior notice, it's more than likely they didn't intend to. The link is a link to a site, usually posing as some kind of picture gallery or download site, that asks you to log in with your MSN email to 'validate your a contact of [whoever sent the invite]'. Whatever you do DO NOT give your password out. I'm not sure why people thought to do it but the grimy nature of this scam is that if you do give out your password, you yourself start inadvertently giving out the same scam links with your MSN. The best way to stop this is to change your password, copy your contacts, and delete the email account! They can access your email now and browse through for personal information used in identity theft and frauds! Creating a fresh, new MSN and having your contacts block and remove your old one will save them and you a lot of hassle/danger.
I've seen this spread through now 8 of my 140 or so contacts, don't let it happen to you!
May 18 2009, 1:25 pm
Well Yeah, Delete The ACOUNT NOW!
Jaredoggy wrote:
Why are you double posting this? I seem to forget everyone reading all the same blogs... I've posted this three time now and I'm just trying to reach as many people as I can with this that's all. |
Lol. I came across an AIM scam, someone sends you a link talking about a webcam or photos or something, and then you download an executable, run it, and it steals your password and occasionally logs onto your account to spread itself. A couple people on my contacts list got it.
Only the easily-tricked click those links.
There's quite a few who send me those all the time. |
IcewarriorX wrote:
Only the easily-tricked click those links. *cough* lol |
Yeah, I get multiple of these everyday as well. It's very annoying.. I feel bad for the people tricked from these scams! :/
I thought these scams died out around last year, it seemed like the scammers gave up on it, like it went out of style... but its alot more creative than it used to be though...
I got that shit like 4 years ago, except it wasn't limited to MSN only. It would output a text string (a link) and enter, so whatever program I was running that took text would receive the link. I spread it to a few people in wiz_chat while I was asking for help.
Then tibby helped me. |
I've fallen for this crap once, when I was young and naive. I've since bested it, and never been fooled again.
A few people on my MSN list have also succumbed to this evil. And it's annoying. I even get offline messages from the [expletive deleted] thing! |