(See the best response by .screw.)
Code:dd_text2List: Undefined Proc

Problem description:for some reason when i try to compile i keep getting alot of errors because of dd_text2list, how can i fix it?

Can you post the proc and what you have the path under?
Best response
Hj32853 wrote:
Problem description:for some reason when i try to compile i keep getting alot of errors because of dd_text2list, how can i fix it?

Sounds like your project requires the Text Handling library. Download it, open Lib in your projects file tree, and include the library.
Good thats fixed but i still got alot of bugs, well not alot just some more undefined proc's, is there a way i can just post all the bugs, i have or would that be counted as spam?
In response to Hj32853
Hj32853 wrote:
Good thats fixed but i still got alot of bugs, well not alot just some more undefined proc's, is there a way i can just post all the bugs, i have or would that be counted as spam?

It would be easier for me, or anybody else, if you were to post one or two bugs at a time.
umm ok, thanks screw, is there a way we can talk, because it seems like you can fix them
In response to Hj32853
Hj32853 wrote:
umm ok, thanks screw, is there a way we can talk, because it seems like you can fix them

To my knowledge, Chatters would be the best place to do so.
ok see you there

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