Ok Now listen. Some of you might know me as Angel(Huey13) But in this incredibly awsome game I get to play EDWARD!!! Thats me ^^...
Okay!! Next up to bat is the Owner him self! Hiper uchiha! He is playing as himself. I wish he would play as jasper >_> buuut he's still a Cullen and I still love him ^_^ Okay he is both races. That's the only way you can turn. So don't ask >_>. Okay. His name is Kuige Cullen of the Cullen family! That's him! NOW ADORE HIM!!!
Okay. Now, there is my sister ALICE!!! She has the power to see the future. I mention her power because its the best. She is...sorta like a child. so...I can't explain it. You know when a baby laughs it makes you smile. Well that's how we feel with Alice. She is the nicest person you will ever meet. She is really awesome. If we love her then you just might ADORE HER ^^ That's Alice. Look at the expression on her face. Very care free. No troubles, no stress.