(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
So, how would one go about having text being placed on screen, one letter at a time, a la RPG text boxes? I honestly have no idea how to go about this.
Best response
Using maptext, you could probably just literally add.
// textbox is a screen object
textbox.maptext = ""
var t = "some message thing"
var length = length(t)
for(var/n in 1 to length)
textbox.maptext += copytext(t, n, n+1)

In the output control, you do this using the \... text macro, but that can be interrupted by other things if you're not careful.
That did the trick! Took me quite a while to learn that it was only on the beta release(..I had no idea that existed!), but I'm one step closer to finishing a game now, haha.

Thanks for the help!