I want to keep building up my pixel art portfolio, so as of now, I am open to small requests as long as credit is listen in your games/apps. I can do basically anything. My only weakness is animating water. What I mean by this is... some people asked me to make Water Jutsu (Projectile techniques from Naruto) and I just fail. Other than that, I'm capable of a lot.

A few things that are a big no-no:

1) Asking for large buildings.
2) Asking for a fully animated base.
3) Asking for anything involving over 2 to 1.INF hours of work.

I can get a 32x32 tile finished within 5-10 minutes at average, so if you need turfs, please only ask for a few. If I have more time, I will create more for you. I can guarantee great work in turn for your patience and credit given to me. You can check out my small portfolio ->

Absolutely awesome icons. I request....
A ship icon(like on one peice).
If you would like me to downsize.
I would just like a tree. :D
I've never seen One Piece before. I can make you a tree though.
Kay cool.
You gotta tell me what size you want it.
eh Branks quick question, were you still working on that yu yu hakusho game?
Yeah I am. I'm building up my portfolio even more though instead.
Can you make me Karyuu Endan and Doryuu Taiga. Both are naruto techniques. Thanks in advance.
Heyyyy... Is my cockasaur ready?
I don't need dumb comments in my blog.
I can't guarantee the game will come out anytime soon, but I've been in need of some interior and exterior post-apocalyptic metro-urban type turfs.

There's other stuff I'd need too, but I'd rather not get into details in public yet -- if you'd like you can email me at (nadrew [dot] byond [at] gmail [dot] com) and I'll give you some more details. You make like the idea enough to do some work =P
Nice idea, i think im going to do the same :)(Creating a portfolio)
Whoever invented white-text-on-khaki-background should be killed with a stake. My eyes are melting out of their sockets trying to read your text and the comments. And I can stand most other combinations of incredibly bright colors.
I'm not done with the CSS...
Branks wrote:
I'm not done with the CSS...

Thank god.
Do you have an MSN or AIM? I'd like to discuss something with you, if you don't mind.
KDG wrote:
Do you have an MSN or AIM? I'd like to discuss something with you, if you don't mind.

aim- branksyb0y
Branks if you could guess how long you think it will take for that yu yu game to come out?