(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
I WISH SOMEONE CHANGE THE"MAKE A NEW GAME" RULE COME BACK. That isn't fair for us, non-members. Why "Membership ONLY"

I askin you why.
Best response
From what I could understand, you seem to not be happy about the ability to create hubs for your games being limited to only Members.

That's it, though. You can't create or modify a hub unless you're a member. You're still just as able to make a game as ever.
BYOND has given you a free suite to develop a game with. If you want to use its website as an advertisement hub, you need to pay for it.
Look at the other game developing programs: Game Maker, XNA, and Unity. None of them provide a place such as a hub. But they all require you to pay to use some of their best features.

The Dream Maker developer tools are completely free. If you're not willing to support BYOND's developer, go find a free website to advertise.
I see the point but I agree with BlackTheFox. In my opinion the ability to create or edit a HUB shouldn't be a member only feature. It's like your arm is being twisted to pay for a membership. I appreciate the BYOND staff for everything they do, but I don't agree on having to pay a fee just to be able to now get your game onto a HUB.
In response to Jin150
Jin150 wrote:
I see the point

I honestly don't think you do. BYOND needs to make money for Tom and Lummox Jr somehow, and it's either make you pay for the software, or make you pay a little more for them to advertise for you on their website. Tom has stated many times that he's been trying (and will continue to try) his hardest to keep the BYOND software free.

The BYOND devs are not required to give you any hubs (not HUB by popular belief; probably from confusion with HUD, but hub is not an acronym for anything). They could just as well do away with hubs altogether, but they decided not to.
No, I get all that. I'm not saying BYOND memberships are a bad idea, I'm saying hubs being exclusive to members is something I personally don't agree on is all. This is just my own opinion. I found it somewhat irritating that after spending some time creating a game, that I need to become a member to edit the hub I already created.

Like I already said, I fully appreciate the BYOND staff and what they do. I just don't agree on this one particular thing, and I'm also aware my opinion wont change anything. I was just spitballing.
In response to Jin150
Jin150 wrote:
I found it somewhat irritating that after spending some time creating a game, that I need to become a member to edit the hub I already created.

When I was a non-member again a few days ago, I could still edit quite a bit of my existing hub. I couldn't change the name, path, and images, and that was it, I believe.

But then again - would you prefer limited editing of hubs, where you would have far more flexibility on a full website of your own anyways, or would you prefer to not be able to develop with BYOND at all without paying?
I suppose you're right. I'm still too cheap to become a member just yet though :P
I'm always a little confused by people who complain about having to be a member to do <whatever task> - they've given you a games development platform for free, and now you're complaining they won't also give you free advertising and a free homepage?

BYOND has costs. It has to make money somehow. You've been given plenty for free, and complaining you have to pay for something is just petty.
In response to Jin150
Jin150 wrote:
No, I get all that. I'm not saying BYOND memberships are a bad idea, I'm saying hubs being exclusive to members is something I personally don't agree on is all. This is just my own opinion. I found it somewhat irritating that after spending some time creating a game, that I need to become a member to edit the hub I already created.

Like I already said, I fully appreciate the BYOND staff and what they do. I just don't agree on this one particular thing, and I'm also aware my opinion wont change anything. I was just spitballing.

BYOND is saying you need to pay to advertise on their site. This is what every other website does. This is not new, this is not bad, this is just economics. The ads they offer are in fact extremely cheap, only a one-time payment of $20 to have a permanent ad on their website. You don't need to pay if you don't want to. You can make your game and advertise it anywhere else. But BYOND is right in asking you to pay before advertising on their website.
In response to Warlord Fred
Actually. It's $24 now, I believe, but that doesn't change your point. I think this change may be difficult for those less familiar with web design and such, but just like with anything else you can always ask or pay for someone else to help you set up your own website/hub or set up various ways to advertise your game outside of BYOND.

Heck, maybe this will even make people advertise outside of BYOND more, and thus bring more people into the BYOND community. Anyway. Another thing to consider is that hubs have forums now, so if you're not very into web design and such you can avoid paying for everything you normally would for a website, and instead pay less to still have not only a forum but a place where your game is advertised for you.

A hubs useful, but far from essential. New people shouldn't even think it is essential, because they won't be use to the old way like previous users are. As for us previous users, we just need to buy a membership, get a gift membership, or adapt to the change and advertise elsewhere etc.
Dr.Penguin wrote:
I can help pm the name of the game and i will add you as a helper :P and make it visble

Your post is going to be deleted. Blatant avoidance of the stipulations they set in place to give users more of an incentive to buy memberships is not something that is ignored.
O.O i was just trying to help
In response to Dr.Penguin
Be that as it may, handing out free hubs as a way to cheat the system is frowned upon.
Well i think it should be fair that both non member and members could make a hub
In response to Dr.Penguin
Dr.Penguin wrote:
Well i think it should be fair that both non member and members could make a hub

Why? You are getting software to make games with for free. They have no obligations to host a portal to your game for free.
I say it because if they are able to make hub we can find out diffrent kinds of games and more advanced alot of non members are better then us we cant discover there ability's because they don't have byond member so thats why i think that it should be fair
If the non-members were that much better than us, two things would come into play.

1. They would be paid for their work, earning enough money to buy a membership for themselves.

2. Even if that didn't happen, if a game is good enough and created by a non-member, BYOND staff will create a hub for it and feature it on the site.

They aren't discouraging game advertisement, they are merely cleaning up and trying to earn a profit.
In response to Albro1
Albro1 wrote:
1. They would be paid for their work, earning enough money to buy a membership for themselves.

Not all the non members have credit cards or paypal so they might not get paid

Alot of Byond Members are bought byond member for example me and .screw were bought byond member

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