![]() Nov 23 2010, 10:01 am
Well idk really
can u let me back on dragonball gt mystic world i didnt know u couldn't have the noob sign u should say stuff like that on guide
hey im tryin 2 play this game from my friends house but he was banned and since he is banned it isnt allowing anyone else to play on this computer. i want to because its the only computer i can play it on. please im not banned so let me play
also talk with <loser> Yung Savage to do the unbanning because i am not banned. my friend is
dude wat can i do to b unbanned i got banned for havein the same name as someone i talked to the other guy and his name is THEBRcoates he said hes not playin any more so can u unban me
pylar check u'r hotmail. My id is : [email protected]
Pylar Plz recruit me in the team to make the game. plz i'm a pixel artist plz recruit me. My Hotmail id is :[email protected]
plz plz |
Kushagra wrote:
Pylar Plz recruit me in the team to make the game. plz i'm a pixel artist plz recruit me. My Hotmail id is :[email protected] He is just an editer and a ripper. Take him in your team if you want your second game to be a RIP. |
pylar he's jelous frm me 'coz i left his project in between 'coz of my Xams but now Xams r over. u can recruit me
Pylar can i be a gm on your game mystic world i am on it lots of the time and i am never afk and if anyone needed help i would help them straight away and i wouldnt be afk so people would get answers straight away about the game and about bugs plz pylar consider my request.