Sure I could just remove some favorite games or friends, but what's the fun in that? Anyway, first on my to-do list is to get BaseConverter using ascii2text() instead of a list since this shouldn't take too much time. Next I was thinking of a forum, but then I remembered Kunark already has that covered (though, I thought it was only in the statpanels until I looked it up again). I'll still make one I'm sure, but it'd be more for my own entertainment/self enrichment as I plan on making one in PHP for my webserver eventually. I need to finish STM Blackjack, but I just don't want to work on it for some reason. So, now that I've laid out what I have on the table, I was hoping for someone to put more stuff on it. =P I'd rather make stuff that would be useful to BYOND in general, but it's certainly not a requirement, so strange ideas work for me too. I just like creating things. =)
It's not that I have a lot of time on my hands, I'd just like to have ideas ready in case I get some time to spare.
Apr 27 2005, 7:40 pm
D'oh! Robustness shmobustness, text2num("0") returns false. Sure, it looks obvious here, but it wasn't easy for me to spot. I think the BaseConverter is fixed, but I'll have to do more testing before uploading it.
If you want to help me with ForumLib (My most advanced library, and my best one, so I want it to be perfect.), you can try to squash the nasty bug that's been running through it for god knows how long, that neither me nor wizkid were able to find. It cross-references posts so you will click a post sometimes and it will go to a different post, but it happens so damn randomly that I can never catch what is causing it. If you decide to take me up on this, if you help me out, I will give you credit. You may have to abuse it quite a bit and login and logout of it quite a bit before anything might happen. It is the only bug in the code that I know of, and it is pretty crippling when it happens.
Sorry I was so late to notice this, Kunark, but I'll certainly take a look. When this happens, does that post always point to a different post (the ID number being wrong), or does it only happen every so often when you click a post (the link gets skewed somehow)?
it begins to do it every time. THe ID number somehow becomes wrong, it like starts back at the default of 1 for some reason and then all of the old posts will like, show up, but when you click them it will go to the newer post that has that ID number.
Everytime I rebooted this happened to me, so it made it a little easier to track down. =)
The save_ID() is getting called before load_ID() (multiple times to boot) which results in a reset, but you re-count the forum_ID_number everytime the world is started so it seems to work fine. Is there a reason for spawning the call to load_ID() in world/New()? As far as I can tell it works fine when I get rid of it. |