Basically, I decided to take Live or Die in another direction.
It is a realistic zombie survival game, and there isn't a lot more that I can add to it. So I decided to make it possible for other people to add stuff to it instead.

At the moment all guns, melee weapons, food, healing items and zombies can be customized, as well as new ones added (or old ones deleted). As well as a few server details that can be changed.

The update also includes a variety of new stuff that is not added by default. Including explosive weapons (grenades, rocket laucher, grenade launcher, mines and remote/timed explosives, can detonate be set to explosive, smoke or incendiary), a few new types of weapons as well as some renamed weapons.
There is also some futuristic icons included for fun, stuff like laser guns, plasma explosions and aliens. Turfs will be included if/when I make a map editor. Meaning it'll be easily possible to change the theme of the game from zombies to zombie like aliens!

Planning on adding a map editor some time soon. Just trying to figure out a good way of making a map editor.
Anyone know if it is possible to just provide a half source code which includes all code for turf and icons, and then let people use BYOND to make a map, which can then be loaded by the game? If so, how?
If not, what is a decent method of making a map editor for use with BYOND?

Only major problem with the game so far is that apparently, a lot of "hosts" have really cruddy computers.
My computer can spawn 20 zombies a second with no noticable CPU increase (less than 5%) and have upwards of 3000 active zombies at a time with less than 20% CPU usage.
The host I am using at the moment apparently struggles to handle even a quater of those figures without high CPU usage :[
Yeah, that's entirely possible. You just have to make sure that all the type paths and modified variables are the same in both projects (the real game, and the editor). The dmm format only stores the type path of the object plus any variables that have been modified from their default value. So if I place a turf of type /turf/furniture/broken_window and change its 'sharpness' variable to 5, then the map will only work if the environment it's going to be loaded into also has the path /turf/furniture/broken_window, and that path has a variable named 'sharpness'.

Besides that, you can delete everything else (though you'll probably want to keep icon_state, icon, and maybe opacity and density).