Greatest thing ever, some guys set up a webcam-directed paintball gun that shoots at an actor playing a stereotypical evil rich banker.
I got him once in the stomach, and hit him from behind as he turned around.
May 7 2009, 6:58 am
Ha! I got him right in the arm and again in the torso.
He owned me. "Tim, shouldn't you be in school right now? Or are you waiting for your mother to make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich you lazy prick."
I shot him in the nuts though, so I came out on top. |
T3h B4tman wrote:
He owned me. "Tim, shouldn't you be in school right now? Or are you waiting for your mother to make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich you lazy prick." I sent him an email, he read it out loud and told me to get a refund from my Community college. |
The line was too long for me to sit around and wait. Very cool though.
I wonder how much these guys get paid to sit there and get shot at by paintbull guns for so long.