It's been two days since the Get Something Done challenge was announced for the month of May, and it seems like a good time to see where we're starting. The following is a list of developers who are currently taking the challenge, along with the project they've chosen to release, and a link to a blog post if they've made one: If you'd like to discuss your project with other participants, the Challenges forum is open to all. Feel free to comment on this post, the original post, or in the forum if you'd like to take the challenge. All you have to do is announce the project you'll be working on, which you can always change later should you change your mind.

Good luck with your projects.
Add me in, I'm making an as of now unnamed RPG
Metamorphmans' Ooze game is so addictive, I rememberer having to help him out with something then forgetting numerous times what it was that I were to help him with, in fact, I still don't remember.
Gah, all I have basiclly left to do is make it Single Player so people can practice offline.. I hate AI that actually has to choose things.. I prefer ones that just run up to you and spam your screen with usr<<"[M] hits you for [dmg] damage!"
You can't tell me what to do!

Actually, I would probably be releasing a game this month, but it's hard to type with a broken finger.