Keywords: done, gameplay, get, something
Well I have decided to try and Get Something Done this month. And after reading Iain Peregrine's post on Starting a Project, I realised that I really should organise all those random ideas in my head into something more.

While I will not get a game to any sort of playable stage this month, I am hoping to get 'something' done. And what better to do that than start organising my ideas for an RPG (Been meaning to do one for quite some time). I don't currently have any games that people can play, which I'm pretty disappointed in for the length of time I have been here. Although I am not short on half finished projects and random demo's I've made for friends.


That said, here is a rough to do list:

1) Plot, Setting and Theme.

I would like to come up with a well thought out storyline for my game. Something in-depth in which you learn more as you progress through the game. Along with this will come my little world and all it's continents, as well as a time period.

2) Characters and Classes.

At this point, I would be deciding what different classes (if any) you can choose from and what specific skill sets they will have. Any NPC's that would be influential to the story would be thought up here too.

3) Equipment.

I will have to decide on what different types of equipment the game would contain. Specific details such as strengths and weaknesses of equipment, as well as wielding requirements, will have to be mapped out and matched to the Classes.

4) Professions.

These will most likely be your classic Tailoring, Enchanting etc. Although it would be nice to get something new, something that intertwines with the plot.

5) Enemies.

At this point, I will be ready to start coming up with some enemy NPC's, along with their attributes and locations in the world.

6) Combat System.

Now that I have some puppets to pit against each other, I can start working on how the combat will work. Sorting out PvP will also take place at this stage.

7) Guilds and Alliances.

I wouldn't make these the usual "Create Guild >> Invite >> Friendship!" type of guilds like you see a lot on Byond. I'll have my own purposes for guilds beyond the traditional "extra help".

8) Interface.

By this stage, I probably won't have my computer fixed, so I'll be making a hack job of my interface..Well, not really. This is where I decide what gets displayed on the main window, what pops up and all the rest.


Well there you go, that's the gameplan. I'm not expecting to get all this done by the end of May as I already mentioned, but it would make for very nice progress. If I make it to stage 6, then I'm doing better than usual.

Don't forget to read over Iain Peregrine's post, it should prove to be some very insightful information.