DragonballZLiveOrDie#online DragonballZLiveOrDie#online DragonballZLiveOrDie#online DragonballZLiveOrDie#online DragonballZLiveOrDie#online DragonballZLiveOrDie#online
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24/7 HOST !!!
This is NEW GAME, Hope u LIKED IT
Game Owner: Kasoy
Co-Owner: Open Spot(for good coder^^)
High Council: (dont need for now)
Staff Coucil: Avenged (HOST)
Staff Coucil: Pazoxi
Master Enforcer: Mario xD
Master Enforcer: Open Spot(Race Iconer)
Enforcer: (dont need for now)
Enforcer: (dont need for now)
Trial Enforcer: SosnaMaster
Updates(We got much UPDATES):
Fast Trainnig!
Human can go now Hybrid!
Bojack Race Fixed!
Dragon Race Fixed!
Max 5 guild items to wear!(250k ea)
Added Scoreboard xD
Next Update:
New Races?(if Icons coming =D)
Scoreboard xD
1)Dont SafeZone kill.
2)Dont ask to be a GM.
3)No spamming.
4)Do not spawn kill.
5)No advertising.
6)Respect for all^^
7)No multikeying allowed, if you are 2 different people playing go talk to a GM so he can test you both and will give you a ™ in you'r name so no other GM boots you for MK.
8)Do not avoid the filter
GM Rules:
1)NO Booting people for no Reason
2)Don't summon DragonBalls
3)Don't edit or boost people
4)Don't summon players or teleport them for any reason
5)Dont abuse powers
6)Dont ban other staff
I will demoted if u do this!! xD