Easy as in, its a mindless spray-and-pray. Sure, I imagine the harder difficulties take loads of elite strategizing but its still the same, repetitive gameplay to me.
Keep analyzing me, clearly you can read the human psyche perfectly as if it were an open book. ;)
Zxcvdnm wrote:
Easy as in, its a mindless spray-and-pray. Sure, I imagine the harder difficulties take loads of elite strategizing but its still the same, repetitive gameplay to me. It's funny- if I so inaccurately described you, why do you feel the need to continue to reply, even though you long ago said you'd stop? Don't worry, though: continue to use sarcasm to rationalize your emotions, and stay in denial of any possible truth. That's obviously the most mature, intelligent path to take, and will lead you to bigger and better things. It's the same attitude most Christians take. |
Zaole, get the fuck out of here with your prejudice remarks. You can argue all you want about anything else but seriously if your gonna be prejudice then just go fucking leave.
It's just a joking jab at Zxc's (old?) girlfriend, Baka. Calm down.
I don't think all Christians are that way-- I know plenty of really wonderful people that are Christian. However, I must say-- right now, with the way you're behaving, you're promoting the stereotype I only jokingly made. |
Zaole wrote:
Zxcvdnm wrote: I never said I'd stop, I just said I wasn't going to argue over opinions. You obviously did not understand my reasoning, so I clarified. As far as the most mature path to take, I honestly think it is probably to obnoxiously nit-pick others opinion in an attempt to prove them "wrong" and to make low jabs at someone's significant other. |
Zxcvdnm wrote:
I never said I'd stop, I just said I wasn't going to argue over opinions. You obviously did not understand my reasoning, so I clarified. Ah. I think I'll start trolling Baka instead now. |
Though I don't think it's the best zombie game there is it's not too bad. I only play Versus mode online(XBL). I personally don't like campaign mode too much.
its ok Chris....blogs mean nothing to byonds community just another place to war at..
My question still stands- why do you insist on spouting off your opinion if you have no willingness to change/discuss it based on new information? It appears to me that the only reason is because you like the idea of being against what's popular simply so you can grab attention and feel unique; once others made you realize your opinion was foolish, instead of going the mature route and trying the game again or changing your position, you stuck to your previous statement and refused to listen to logic, simply so you wouldn't have to admit to "being wrong" (I'd like to phrase that better, since your position is, after all, an opinion).