-This game has a lot of lag.

-Clan (like deidara) has very few jutsu in this game

-A lot of bugs. For example when you go out of a shop, you go to another map and you have to spawn warp. An a huge list of bugs....

-The way you learn jutsu is horrible... It apear a bar with a ball, and you have to push arrow down when the ball is in the midle arroud 30 times... its borring and slow.

-Few players

-The GMs are very bad.

To sum up, I recomend you to play others byond naruto games. This game is very diferent as the "Naruto: way of the shinobi" that was the number 1 a lot of time ago, is very poor.

Try it, but you are advised...
Here's the trick: when a game stops being fun, stop playing it and find something else. There's no real need to cry about it on a forum. You can if you want, of course, but it generally doesn't do anything to help.
Plus most people on the forums wouldn't play a naruto game (Rip or not) anyways. You aren't really getting the message out here.
This sounds like every Naruto game to be honest.