Made this post a long, long time ago on Gamefaqs, and it got quite a response, so I decided to repost it here.
10.Chrono Trigger
Don't get me wrong, this is by NO means a bad game. In fact, I love it and own my own copy of it. However, it is widely regarded as the best game of all time, which it is far from. It doesn't live up to the hype that people tend to give it.
9.Ocorina of Time
The same as above. Given, I haven't been a big fan of any of the 3D Zeldas(Even Twilight Princess when I got to play it), but I still acknowledge them as good games, just not as good as people make them out to be.
Again, same as above. Widely egarded as the best FPS of all time, and though good, it doesn't quite get to that level.
7.Black & White
The first game on the list that is overrated due to flaws. Given, people(me included) had good reason to absolutely rave about it; raising your own creature could be quite rewarding and fun. However, the game was also very buggy, with lots of micromanagement involved if you wanted to make your creature good. It was terribly slow paced, and the battle system was quite simplistic, albeit original.
6.Metal Gear Solid 2
The first truly bad game on the list. Make a sequel to one of the best games of its generation. Then toss out everything that made it great-in this case, memorable characters, spectacular boss fights, and a great story. Instead, you get crappy, annoying Raiden, incredibly blah bosses like Vamp and Fatman, and a story senseless enough to cause many dedicated fans of the original to give up the game in disgust.
5.Half-Life 2
I'm a bit of a hypocrite for listing this, but I can't deny it. The game is good, phenomonal even, but people list it as a god among games, when in truth it is very linear, with a dissapointing story, boring weapons(Except for the gravity gun), and a buggy multiplayer that wasn't even incorporated until a few months after release. I love the game, but I can't deny that others love it far too much.
4.Kingdom Hearts
Another truly bad game. Take boring, annoying characters from Final Fantasy, old Disney characters that really don't belong in a game, and add in a horribly simplistic and repetitive action RPG battle system, and you get Kingdom Hearts. There is really NOTHING worth mentioning about this game; it gets the majority of its fanfare from fanboys of FF and kids who love the disney characters.
3.Battlefield 1942
Let me point one thing out-I am NOT insulting Battlefield 2 in this-what I say applies strictly to Battlefield 1942. When this came out, it acted like it was a truly unique idea-mass multiplayer shooter(done by Unreal Tournament and Quake 4 already) using vehicles(already done in a number of shooters by then, Halo in particular). The maps were horribly unbalanced, with some sides being EASILY able to completely clear out spawnpoints and make it impossible to reclaim the map. The controls were horrible with the vehicles, and in some cases required switching between control devices to have even decent control over them. The weapons were horribly inaccurate, focused too much on realism and not on gameplay. And then the players, the worst I've seen on ANY online game(And I'm a frequent counterstrike player), filled with teamkillers, racists, and general idiots. There is NOTHING worthwhile about this game, especially not now that its sequel(VASTLY improved) is out.
2.Grand Theft Auto series
OK, you have a massive sprawling city, with freedom to do what you want, and missions taking place all over the city from various gangs, and a large variety of weapons to do it with. How could you go wrong?
Well, for one, your freedom is actually very limited-you can rob and kill people, steal cars, buy buildings, and run from the police, with little else to do. I'm aware that San Andreas added many mini-features in it, such as bodybuilding, but they are just button games, with nothing really to hold your interest through them.
Then the missions, which are boring and repetitive(There were only 2 missions in Vice City, out of hundreds, worth remembering, a chase through an Alley and driving a stunt boat), and make the game get old fast.
Then there are many other problems with the series, including ugly graphics, horrible AI, and flimsy controls. And yet people flock to it from all around, mostly because of the contraversy around it. In reality, these games should just be buried and forgotten.
1.Final Fantasy 7
Not only the most overrated game on the list, but also the worst. Take an already successfull franchise, and turn it into one of the first 3D RPGs out there, as well as one of the first RPGs for a groundbreaking new system, and you have sure success. But you do not have quality.
The first of its flaws is the characters-all of them are annoying, angsty, and overdone characters, with little real depth to any of them. Sephiroth in particular is an unmotivated, annoying villain, who for cool looks and for killing off a fav character has gotten to be widely adored.
The materia system is incredibly boring and linear, especially late in the game where every character gets every skill. And the battles are slow and uneventful, requiring little thinking to be done, just constant selecting.
The plot is hardly even worth mentioning, with little to keep you interested as the game grinds on pointlessly towards the end, with very few memorable moments.
Yet, for the reasons stated above, this series has gotten a large number of mindless fanboys and fangirls rooting for it in the wake of many far superior RPGs.
And there you have it, that is my list of the top 10 overrated games of all time. enjoy :O
Dec 18 2005, 11:11 pm
When I saw this title, I first thought. No one say Final Fantasy VII! That got the rating it deserved.
I'm gonna have to say the Halo series. And Zelda is great, especially a Link to the Past. (Yay just noticed theres an Edit option now) |
Grand Theft Auto and Halo, are two of the worst games ever. GTA is too repetitive, we all know all we do is use the "lower wanted" cheat, and shoot everyone we see and blow stuff up.
Halo, is just a shooter, with a storyline. And is poorly done if you ask me. Now, for the BEST game of all time. I will have to say, Madden! Too bad these faggot ass glitchers just used a quit glitch so I wouldn't get these 2 wins. :( |
I never cared for Madden, I really suck at it and Madden is a heartless prick and slams me every time I do something stupid in the game.
Strange enough madden is the game of choice when my friends play with me. Weird huh? =/ |
" did you get to play Twilight Princess?"
He probably played the demo at the Penny Arcade Expo-- he mentioned attending the event a page or so back. I don't know if I agree with the list as much as everyone else does, but it's pretty well put-together. |
Problems I have with his list..
10.Chrono Trigger Was one of the first, few open ended role playing games that featured a wide plot line, allowing you to get off where you wanted. Had a intresting plot, back charater stories and charaters. One of the best combat systems I have played since I got into gameing. One of my favorite role playing games. Still is one of the best, considering its age. The remastered version, loading times aside, rocks even harder with the anime FMV cuts. 9.Ocorina of Time Was a revoluctionay twist in the zelda series, one of the most action packed well done games for the N64. Controls were flawless and the story was great. One of the best mix of action and puzzle games I have ever played. Bosses were breath takeing, outstand game. 4.Kingdom Hearts The gameplay is lacking, but it is simplistic to play. A role playing game that you can get through in a few hours if you try. A nice short game IMO. Not only that, features some of the best music and FMV work I have ever seen on the Sony PS2. It wasn't about the game, it was about the charaters, story and art. Its the best example of a work of art for the PS2. 1.Final Fantasy 7 This is the worst one, I wish someone would cut your balls off and make you eat them.. For the first time the Final Fantasy series was taken into a 3D prespective, which was a mix of awesome FMV, Outstanding 2D backgrounds and amazing 3D sequences. Kept the same feeling and combat sytem from other Final Fantasy games, and made slight tweeks to make it a fimilar, yet strangely new engine. Tons of charaters to choose from, each with their own taticts. Each charater had their own story, and I thought each one was good, and if you played through the game properly, youd see that they were not all the same. The materia system isnt as shitty as you might think, not ALL players could learn and keep the same spells. Materia altered and changed your charaters depending on how you used it, and it took awhile to learn any spells. If you used one type on the wrong type of charater, you could totally mess up that charater for the rest of the game. My lead charater, Cloud [leads are usually the strongest I think..] was totally fucked up the first time I played because his HP was horribly low and defense lacking because of my choices of Materia. The second time I played he was a tank because I changed the way I used materia. I thought the plot was very, VERY good, it had you going along with it, and suddnely there was this huge twist, that had you questioning from the very beginning from what you thought you understood from it. Compaired to some of the other half assed done RPGS seen on the PS1 and PS2 FF7 is one of the best Ive played. Fanboy? get bent, I just know quality when I see it. |
I agree that FFVII isn't that bad; FFIV is far, far more overrated. Yeah, you heard me, fanbois. YOUR HOLY GRAIL IS A CRAPPY CHIPPED CUP!
I wouldn't go that far, myself. I mean, yeah, Final Fantasy is dumb, but there's still some fun gameplay in there (at least for some of them), if you can ignore the story and the narration and the dialogue and characters and the translation (or lack thereof).
9.Ocorina of Time Heh, Fail. Ocarina rocks in an awesome manner. Battlefield 1942 is something I've been playing quite a bit recently. I must say the weapons aren't really that innacurate if you give it a chance and warm to the way it plays...I found myself being bested when attacking others with an assault rifle, so now I play as an engineer- I take my time to make my shots (as my gun takes a while to reload after ever shot), and it works for me! The player base isn't so bad if you know where to go. Sure, it sucks when you have idiots on your team but that happens with any online game! When I play BF1942 (it's my only BF game, so I can't compare to the rest of the series), and it's a good team of likeminded individuals (who are into the whole strategy and tactics thang), the gameplay is golden! Personally I like that some of the maps are biased against certain teams. It makes it interesting, and shakes up the gameplay. It sure was like that in real wars- tactics and such would mean that battles were often won in such a manner! Plus, there's often a way to win even if the odds are stacked against you (although this is a problem if your team are ignorant morons who don't understand even the most basic concepts of tactics, communication and such)- if they start off with loads more bases and men, and you start off with one base but many tanks and weaponry, use the goddamn weaponry to good effect! If you spearhead an attack using all the tanks together (most players will just leap in a tank and drive off in an independant direction to everyone else...I admit it sucks when people play for themselves and not the team) to beat back the infantry, you'll win even if things were looking grim at the start. Concerning Black and white- I completely agree. Really bad game, and the creature combat system was a tad slow and sluggish to really bother with. Nice if it had worked out. Chrono Trigger is a game I've played on a SNES emulator. Yes, it is a good game. I imagine many people vote it high on the awesomeness list as they remember the game through rose-tinted glasses, but it's still pretty cool! It has an interesting story and crazy time-travelling thing going on. The game world is large and expansive, especially given you experience it through like, 6 different periods of time. It's really quite interesting to see how the continents have shifted, civilisation and changed and how one effect in the stone age could effect something in the future. It was a really rich game in that respect! I've never had much fun with Final Fantasy. |
Sephiroth in particular is an unmotivated, annoying villain kefka and golbez both fit that description. and well, you never really get to know chaos that well, i guess that shows how motivated he was. if having a fanboy makes something bad, then i'm a total fanboy of your blog. take that! |
First off, I did indeed play Twilight Princess at Penny Arcade Expo. They had 3 demos-the early game tutorial, a horsebackriding mission(my favorite), and a short dungeon.
As for Halo, Chrono Trigger, and Ocarina of Time, let me restate that I DO NOT think these games are bad. I love these games(Except for OOC, which I still acknowledge as a great game), and reccomend them to many people. Just keep in mind how many people would refer to them as the "unquestionable lord of all things", or something equally exaggerated, and you can probably get where I'm coming from. And when I say I don't like Zelda, I'm generally only referring to the 3D ones, LTTP still owns :O And Shades, it's obvious you're no fanboy. To me, the definition of a fanboy is someone who blindly follows something, going along with the crowd or with such shallow reasons as having some hot characters in it. People who can defend their position such as you have cannot rightly be called a fanboy, so feel glad, you are a rarity among FF7 fans <_< I didn't include FF6(or any other FF for that matter) since FF7 is the only one I've played all the way through in recent memory. I've gotten quite a ways into 6, and I'm working on 9 and 10 right now, but not enough to judge them. And OFD, having a fanboy isn't bad, it's being a fanboy that's bad :P |
And OFD, having a fanboy isn't bad, it's being a fanboy that's bad :P lol @ christians |
Nesso, I put it in 7th because I still regard it as a good game, just not as spectacular as people say.
Zelda, Chrono Trigger and Fina Fantasy 7 are all some of the best games ive ever played.
But your allowed your opinion, no matter how bad it may be. =P