Wow. I did my final exams last week. For me, English , World History, an Biology were the easiest (though in English I had to write an essay.) I was .26% away from exempting my Bio exam. =)

When I took my Biology exam, I didn't know half of the questions, since I got a teacher switch, and he forgot to go over Anatomy. Well, that sucked. So, he said that whatever you get right in those, he'll give some many Extra credit points for every few you get right. A good deal for me! My brain was bouncin' off the walls, so to speak =)

But no, he had decided half way through the freakin' exam to print off a different set of questions! Gawd, that was horrible.

So, I have about 5 minutes and 65 questions to go, so I scribble furiously through my answer sheet (one of those Scantron [bubble-in the correct answer]) some answers.

Guess what I get on the final?

I get an 89%!
Talk about luck!

Then yesterday, I had to return a pink "book card" for a $25 deposit slip back. I spent about 25 minutes in line like the other students, waiting to get my refund. As I get up there, I tell her my name and school I.D.

Then, she says,
"I'm sorry, but you need to go to the line on the far right to pay for book damage fines. See that really fat lady? the one who is sweaty and is wearing a baby blue T-shirt witht the flower denstist-style pants? Wait in that line."

My mind did a backflip.

I was cursing under my breath at how she was making fun of that women in front of everyone, and secondly, that I coudln't just pay upfront. UGH! That made me so mad! They are so f@$%ing un-organized! (Yet they are the most popular school in town, and get the most money over all the scools in Rockford.)

So, I wait another 20 minutes in line to pay for the fine, then waited another 40 minutes (the line got busier and longer) to get my book deposit refund. I was stuck behind someone who smelled like they didn't know what a shower was. That... was so... gross! Trust me. I wanted to mug someone for a few cans of AXE bodyspray and spray the crap outta him.

What was supposed to be 30 minutes of my life turned out to be about an hour and a half. Trust me, you'd never want to be around someone with a stench like that. Especially a person who's in High school or older.


Anyways, good luck on the rest of your exams!
Also, tell me about your adventures at school.

Hahaha, nice story. :)

Congrats on beating the system and getting out of school, though! You're a true renegade, a real man.
Damn you!!!!

I still have about 2 weeks left >_<

Thanks, Elation. =) And I'm surprised so many people are still in school.