Keywords: data, file, save
Hi all,

I just discovered BYOND yesterday and it looks interesting enough to try a project or two in. I had a look through the DM Guide and may have missed this as I was skimming, but I didn't see it specifically covered. I'm wondering about the scope of saved information within a working game.

Let's say for example that I'm doing a project called Heroes of the Land and another one called Lost Legends. They're both RPGs using variations on the same system. I open up Heroes for a week of online play testing. I close that down and do the same thing for Lost Legends.

They've each got their own directory of course. So where will the save data for each game be stored? Do I have to take special steps to ensure that character files from Heroes won't be loaded into Lost Legends, or is all of that restricted to the separate directory trees?

Likewise, if I actually do want to be able to load a save from Heroes and continue the journey on into Legends, do I have to explicitly do some directory hopping to copy save files?
Your saving should be safe enough unless you save outside the directory of either project (C://Documents for example)
You can place your server-side savefiles in any directory of your choosing (a "saves" subdirectory in your game's folder is typical, but you can save outside of your game's directory if the game's host allows it).

Client-side savefiles are also an option, but you don't get to control where the file is saved (it's placed in the player's BYOND User Directory, with a name unique to your game's hub entry).

You can also use a webserver database to store the saves remotely, but BYOND doesn't have any "built-in" support for that.

The first and third options could be used to share savefiles between games. The second could only do that if you shared a hub entry (which I wouldn't recommend.. I'm not even sure if it's technically "allowed")