Keywords: techtree


  • Some of us have been arguing that BYOND Casual should be omitted from the one-guild-per-game rule that BYOND's banner guilds follow. With BYOND Action's claim of Feval after it was already listed in BYOND Casual, I have declared victory. I knew those BYOND Action grunts were good for something!

    Our POWs are coming home and they're bringing friends! Flick's Boxed, FlameGuardian's BYOND Connect 4, Crispy's Carpe Slimum, Skysaw's Chess, Flick's Chinese Checkers, Iccusion Entertainment's Gemble, Awakening's Echelon, LostRealm's Mafia, Metamorphman's mCheckers, Lesbian Assassin's Orbitalis, and Nadrew's version of Gazoot's XO now have citizenship in both BYOND Casual and BYOND Strategy. I'll be adding some of them to the featured list soon and there might be more games coming. Muhuhahaha!
  • I thought that BYOND Casual had claimed it ages ago, but Dever's version of Stratego is now listed in BYOND Strategy. I guess it ran to freedom on its own.
  • Vermolius, Tayoko, and Guyst_x appear to now be calling their team Efencea. Their base defense game, previously submitted under Vermolius, has been resubmitted under the new team label. Update your favorites because the old hub entry will soon be gone!

    Meanwhile, GamingDomain gained the entrants it needed for its Efencea tournament, rescheduled, and posted the current results in preparation for the best-of-3 finale.
  • As promised, Acebloke released an update to Wargames with medals and an alternative to naval engagements. A few bugs appear to have been introduced, but Acebloke responded with some more updates. Hopefully everything is fine now. =)
  • Tsfreaks has provided numerous updates for Cathedral with bug fixes and interface improvements. He also released and updated the timer library he is using, but the link doesn't appear to work.
  • Meditating under a waterfall, Geldonyetich appears to be redesigning Project Cyberverse. He seems to be implying that the RTS elements will not be as prevalent. That probably makes bugging him about it unnecessary, but it still feels good. ;)
  • Aixelsyd might release a strategy guide for Kunark's Surreal Dreams.
  • I had to take action against BYOND RPG. Tiberath organized an army of links and pictures. Sensing trouble, I sent assassins to take down the feline leader. The throne lies empty!
  • I'm thinking of removing DDT's Last Robot Standing from the guild. However, I no longer recall how bad the problem is so I'll try to get my thoughts organized next week.

    Meanwhile, does anyone know the last time Deadly Waters was hosted? As I understand it, the game was intended for an exclusive few. I might be removing it due to a lack of player access.

    BTW, thank you to the fans of Stad's Factory Wars for having servers up on Thursdays when I skim through the game list. It makes things much easier.

Perhaps she has jumped the shark, but congratulations to Brigitte Dale for her 400th episode!

I'm going to miss seeing Joanne on Rocketboom...

However, Caitlin Hill probably deserves a paying gig. TheHill88 is one reason why I joined YouTube.

Got news? "Aaiko is about the only [respectable] developer I can think of. And as far as important to BYOND goes; that would really only include Lummox and Tom." I fart in your general direction! ;)
Aaiko, Lummox, and Tom being the only respectable BYONDers? I disagree! ACWraith, Acebloke, IainPeregrine, the Efencea team, and digitalmouse all deserve to be on that list.
What are we going to do when we find the person that's been naying all the Tech Trees? >:)
Aixelsyd wrote:
What are we going to do when we find the person that's been naying all the Tech Trees? >:)

Force him to play a match of Incursion against all of the rip owners on BYOND simultaneously. It's a fate worse than death.

"HW I PLAI???????>??//??"
Actually, everyone on BYOND except the BYOND staff and Falacy's legion of rich narutards fart in his general direction.
I'm thinking of removing DDT's Last Robot Standing from the guild. However, I no longer recall how bad the problem is so I'll try to get my thoughts organized next week.

It renders the game completely unplayable for me.
@Tiberath: Yeah, I was thinking that was the general consensus. Despite its former featured status, LRS is probably long past due for removal. I just didn't think of it until I was writing and wanted to check myself... My mind must have been preoccupied with heirs to the kitty throne. >:)

@Aixelsyd: That carries over to my personal blog too. However, I prefer to think it's done out of respect and fear. As a matter of fact, there could be a whole army of naysayers fighting each other until only one remains to challenge my greatness! ;)
Thanks for mentioning mCheckers. I've been wanting to release a second version of the game for quite some time, but delayed it because I didn't want to have a crappy score system and said "let's just leave it for another time".

Now that there's a built-in score and medal system, it won't be long till I get the chance to update it!
Soon you people of Byond Strategy will bow to us of the Byond Action!
I'll have what should be a decent game as a peace offering soon. ;)
ACWraith wrote:
I'll have what should be a decent game as a peace offering soon. ;)

That's what they all say. ;P

Magicbeast20 wrote:
Soon you people of Byond Strategy will bow to us of the Byond Action!

I'm not sure what guild I want to be BYOND RPG's right hand man. The race could go to either of them. ;)
Deadly Waters will be up more due to the fact that I'm out of school. Please don't remove it.
Okie dokie. =)