![]() Oct 2 2011, 2:17 pm
ill host
i could host but not 24/7 from like 2:40 pm to 11:40 am on the week days and i could do 24/7 every other weekend.
well i need a 24/7 host b/c once it comes back up i wont be able to host it maybe for first couple days i will but after that imma have to find me a new 24/7 host. so hit me up if u can host 24/7 and want to be my host. just comment.
i dont plan on spending any money to host and i might be able to host it myself 24/7 but just looking for another host b/c it slows down my computer when i do it.
yeah that could work how long r u gonna have a shell server? also its gonna be a while b4 im done b/c i barely have any time to work on it.
sometime in 2012 man, just got a lot of shit going on dont got time to add the stuff i got to do but as of now, things are lookin good and it will be up and running pretty soon imma say the latest is late march earliest is feb. also check out the forum for news and post what u'd like to be up there - http://dbgtml.activeboard.com/ also tell ya friends!
Also if anyone is interested. Im looking for a good iconner and a gfx artist. Hit me up if you can do any of those.
YO I LIKE THE UPDATES IN CAPS. I CAN ICON AND WHEN WILL THE GAME BE UP? Just kidding, But seriously i will icon for you and such if i can be promised the game will be reliable and stay up. Not be a one month flunk out
well rite now me johnno and weaver are testing everything makin sure theres no bugs after were done testing the game will be up and stay up, its going to take about a week to test and fix the bugs we find, after that i will post the official release date