Owner: Gohito2
Coders: Gohito2, Supreme Knight
Icon Artist: Shanks349
Lead Mapper: Gohito2
I'd like to thank Rainer, Vakir, Destroy, and all the other DBO staff for making this game possible. I would like for all of you to play Dragon Ball Online Classic, created by the DBO Team. And be sure to check out DBO2 when it is released. Also, I'd like to thank MajinNick. Without his hard and dedicated work to this game in its earlier stages, I'd be no where. All my thanks go to him as well. (If anyone else from the DBO Team believes they deserve credit as well, please let us know)!
Also, If you have any ideas, suggestions, or etc, be sure to get on the forums and post!
Attention all new players, I would like for you to visit our beginners/training guide on our website and read it before you play. Thanks!