-renamed all quests
-added the ability for AI to use spells to the engine, remapped Empire Demon's hitbox and gave him the Plague and Chaos spells
-added the ability to lift up movable power boxes above your head by pressing E which allows you to carry them until you get hurt/press E again/leave a dungeon
-added ground markings at the start area saying "WASD" around the player which instantly informs them how to move
-fixed spear stand/torch stand density to be 0 so players don't get stuck on them
(Didn't get much done today and will be offline for the next 2 days)
-fixed how king's scepter is crafted
-Mapped one of the dungeons, I just need armors for enemies and the craftables/special items which Yut/Cire are in charge of
-I'll be mapping at least one dungeon a day.
Cire: Got 4 armors done
-Mapped another map
Apr 10 2012, 4:41 pm (Edited by moderator on Apr 12 2012, 5:36 am)
secret power switches added enemies added new AOE added -fixes- fixed problem with vocare animalia |
signs describing sneak crit, bow crit, and sword crit and gsword shielding all the 0.7 art -additions- last gallax dungeon t to take all keys/gold/wire in chest tab to view self inventory while viewing a chest/dead enemy -fixes- rez bug workarounds AI attacking dead players space robot clone AI activating pressure pads |
C to place wire as hotkey, x to remove
selling tip sign in d2
vanity item slot converted to a list and vanity items unequipped if clicked while equipped
gallax dungeons 1-3
spacebar to run(+3 speed)
hold attack key for 1.5 seconds to enable spin attack when releasedqqq(damage all in weapon range with crit)
other other key not used by greatsword to guard
add functionality for "other key" sensing by items(like a use2 proc)
spear trap
electric charge powers up power boxes once
greatsword shielding
ice turf(stops the slow_down() proc)
normal npcs that can be talked to just for lore
bow charging spammable if you tap the key right
shield bumping stuns the player
infinite mp
the layer of the background image in the start area
the crappy gear art from 0.6 and in the dark elf gea
the color palette issues matt introduced