Keywords: dance, fits, lotte

Top prize is 100,000 yen for the best "Fit's" dance...

I feel like I'm being brainwashed by these four 15 second commercials. I think it has to do with the beefy dancing mannequin and dog.
100k yen is ~ $1250 CAD. I would totally get someone to do it for me :)
Isn't 100,000 yen about 5 cents?
100 000 Japanese yen = 1 018.8 U.S. dollars

Jeff your guess was VERRY inaccurate.
But thanks for tryin.
That's what I like about the Japanese. They can take something like the dog turning into a dancing girl in a dog suit, knowing it's wild and crazy, and play it off as if it were as natural as showing a close up of the gum.
I'll do it to dance next to her