Sep 30 2014, 5:00 am
soo this oughta be realistic but you still could add some attack skills like flurry of strikes or pistol spam or something... you can do that in real life too.. sorta. you can spam pressing pistol trigger or or quickly whack someone left and right with a board or something
Not really, *Player hits a zombie, the zombie trips and falls down* Then you can really hit him with a chance to hit a road, Board + power + road = instant break. Btw Pistol spam would have higher chance to jam the pistol, by that i mean Really high. And as far i know you can do that? But pretty unaccurate.
If you want to make it a lil more realistic, then make then work with repair, I don't think i'll be able to repair an axe with just a hammer..? How?! And something like ,,Repairing supplies": Like a duct tape which gives 10-20(Or depending on crafting skill) uses might be nice.
I thought about making it so repairs would cost a fraction of the resources that you would get from the item upon scrapping it but I just wanted to keep it simple. In all honesty some of the weapons wouldn't really need repairs if they were to be maintained well but that is not the real point I have.
This game is meant to be a combination of realistic and arcade game-play (not realistic). I do, however, like the idea of using duct tape in repairs to be able to get a little more use out of something. Duct tape would also just be a regular crafting material and I would like to have some recipes for it before adding it to the game. |
MB (Makeshift bomb, 2x fragbox and duct tape, placeable with a motion sensor) Motion sensor (2x nails, 1 scrap metal, 1 scrap electronic(advanced crafting material from 2 batteries and 1 scrap metal!!) four baterries)
Btw, about the makeshift bomb, it will tigger if anyone will get into range of 5x5
needs vehicles. skateboards are most probable since they can be made out of scrap. cars are would require some badass invention and would probally look like shit. and helicopters are impossible but still would be funny
Well, vehicles i think that it might be bad, well skateboards are okay but Cars and Helicopters? Roaming the whole map in 5 minutes(I mean the map that will be probbly done, i'm not sure how it will work but there's highway so town travelling won't be a dream... in my opinion)
I've got some nice ideas(Well, in my opinion.):
1. Vehicles(Adamkad1) - His idea might be good, but needs some working. I think that vehicles might be used to Town->Town travel(If its going to be invented.) And to travel to further places, you will need better vehicles.(Example. Skateboard for second town - Crafting lv req. 3, Car for town third - crafting lv req 4) etc. 2. Some skills for Lv6. Since Adamkad said something about ,,Craftable cars" i were thinking about the electronic scrap from teh makeshift weapons idea up there. Then it happend, what about 6 lv skills? As a reward from Skilled NPC's Special Missions that are placed well, other than the first safehouse. Example: Isaac the Engineer(Dead Space): Workout Mission, Bring him 1x. Suppressed pistol, 1x Double barrel, 1x Fragbox, 1x Sawblade slingshot (Makes it lots of materials and money.) And for example crafting lv 6 gives ability to craft from electronic scraps, the recipes are sold by that NPC for hellshit money. Then i thought about stamina, healing, strength... Stamina and Strength would give unique ability(WELL, something thats pretty real like Stamina + Strength lv 6 = Marathon Runner. Lv 6 healing - Masterful skill at healing with unknown substance at gaze makes your infection get healed a little. (For example: 10% for bandage, and if someone gets infected again, it will give 9% only, till 0. So it won't really be OP.) Well they're just a thoughts and in my opinion they might be good, i'm looking forward others comments and yours one Hallo. This is pretty much for more advanced gaming. |
though i do think game needs much stuff to pay for it should be that you can level up skills by doing them, it would take lots of doing it and paying would be some sort of shortcut to it
Adamkad, to learn for yourself as individual it would take A hell frikin lot of time, Healing is nearly impossible. Crafting is pretty much dificult, but how's the strength? Stamina would take alot of money either way(Food to run). Btw, if lv 6 skills were to add, no shortcut for them. Game needs much stuff to pay, so leave it be. Implenting self-learning would be nice, but it would really be hard(As much as getting 15k[For all the levels])
In response to Turas
*5k for strength and 10k for scavenging* XP I Agree that the "use the skill to gain xp for it" would be nice but I love how people already complain about how long it can take to get money (not a lot of people but enough for me to note it). Then you would have to loot items like mad for scavenging, scrap them to craft with for crafting, heal others (would need to grind that) for healing, etc. Again, that would be nifty and I am all for making people work for the stuff but I think that would be a little much is all.
Also, the whole "pay for everything" to me makes sense. This is a town that was given up on and has no chance of survival so what little people have they want to hold on to, otherwise get handsomely reimbursed. |
Btw that "Pay for everything" isn't really true. You can scavenge melee and ranged weapons you need, with food. Matches and food from Missions. Only recipes are payable, training and equipment, but is it really diffrent from the way is it here(RL)?
In response to Turas
I just meant pay for progression
Adam, how so? in Theory healing to stop infection won't use just a bandage. Because thats stupid, Bandage at lv 1 stops the bleeding only, and same bandage at lv 5 stops the infection too. No sense much?
Halloween you didn't really understand me. You can get everything just by scavenging, bandages can be made at crafting level 1, the only deal is healing. So pay for everything doesn't fit it at all.
No I know what you are saying. It seems like you don't understand me. Pay for progression means that you have to pay for skill points.