Yeah, so I'm nearly 18, over here its the age in which so many things magicaly become legal. It was quite suprising then, to recieve a letter from my local MP, saying happy 18th in the first paragraph, and in the rest of the page pretending he actualy gives a crap about my views.
Well I suppose its nice anyway.
Dec 13 2005, 8:05 am
Dec 13 2005, 8:17 am
I got the same shit when I turned back in June. The local rep sent me a fucking letter telling me how I should vote and all that shit. But the first setence was "Happy 18th". <<
Well that was quite nice of him. Someone who goes through that much trouble to wish you a happy birthday must be a good person. I'd vote for him! :)
I got on my 18th birthday a razor from Norelco O_o
I then hid from the bad men for a few days >_> |
Hehe I wish I had gotten a razor. The only thing I can remember getting was from the Selective Service saying "We can draft you now bi*#@!" It wasn't quite in those words but the message was the same.