I plugged FA's code into Simple Move and tweaked a few things. It works pretty well.
Out of curiosity, how long did it take you add to the library? I checked the file creation/update times and it took me 7 minutes to write the code. Clearly this was a huge issue that the BYOND staff must resolve for us.
The only tweaks I had to do was change the bumping distance to the player's movement speed, it looks more natural that way. I also prevented the sliding from activating while moving diagonally.
I'm not sure if this would work or make sense for diagonal movement (BYOND doesn't handle diagonal movement well anyway). I figured it might work to call the code twice if you're moving on an angle (once for each component direction of your move) but I didn't try it. As long as you're not using BYOND's default movement and you slide along obstacles when you're moving diagonally, this feature isn't really needed for diagonal moves.
DarkCampainger wrote:
I think making it shift by step_size, and having the "correction" take multiple frames really helps make it look more smooth.
I think Falacy was asking to have it move you to the side and around the object, which may look strange because you'd be moving extra pixels. This just moves you to the side and you'll naturally move around the object when you've moved far enough to the side, so you're never moving further than you should.
I think making it shift by step_size, and having the "correction" take multiple frames really helps make it look more smooth.